
agricola revised edition card list

A5 Super Summary containing the most important rules to hand out to players. Taking a double action is not optional. In each feeding phase, you receive 1 food. Gone are the many confusing letter-codes. Resources may be obtained at the start of the round (phase 1) as well as in the work phase (phase 3). If you sow three or more fields, you do not get any additional goods. The Chapel counts as played improvement, e.g. Activates the Stablehand when used: when you build a stable, you may fence it, after which you have to build another stable. Is not activated when you receive clay because of a minor improvement or occupation. Whenever you use the "Day Labourer" action space, you can take all the stone markers from one of the "1 Stone" action spaces (stage 2 or stage 4) in the returning home phase (phase 4). Additional text by Eugne van der Pijll. Whenever you acquire a major improvement, you can save 1 building resource of your choice by paying 1 fuel instead. If you play the Chief's Daughter because the Chief is played, this activates the. However, you must pay the 1 food beforehand; you may not subtract it from the proceeds. At the end of the game, you receive 1/2/3 bonus points for 2/4/5 stone. In addition, you can place 1 additional vegetable on all fields and farmyard spaces where vegetables are planted. Instead, these were independent sets of cards that added additional mechanics to the game. The 17th century was not an easy time to be a farmer. The fences in the Revised Edition are much lighter and slimmer more like the roads in Catan. Optional; can only be used once per turn. Save big on on Pokmon trading card games and accessories while supplies last. Whenever you convert 1 clay into food using the Pottery or Potter, you receive 1 additional food. It is not allowed to use the "3 Wood" action space if it is empty, not even if that would activate other improvements or occupations. This costs you 1 reed, 1 of the old construction material of your home before renovating (wood or clay), and 2 of the new construction material (clay or stone). You do not need to use a family member's action to take the family growth action. If you build a room after the Lover has had offspring, the offspring occupies the new room. For each wild boar that you convert into food, you can place up to 2 wood from your personal supply on this card. At the start of each round, you receive the token. News. Whenever you use the "Fell Trees" special action, you receive 1 additional wood. From round 8 onwards, you receive 2 additional food. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. At any time, you may look at all the remaining unplaced round cards and re-sort them. The stables are the same. You may pay 1 food to the general supply to receive another of the resources paid. Wouldnt it be great if Agricola had an Automa deck that emulated another player so the single player experience matched the 2-4 player game? Baking improvements are improvements with a baking symbol. The Stone Oven cannot be acquired while it is covered by the Heating Stove. Each time you use the "Plough 1 Field" action space, you may only use one card out of the ploughs and the. This card is an additional action space for all players. Players begin the game with two family members and can grow their families over the course of the game. Choose up to 2 forest tiles, and place 1 additional forest tile on top of each of them. Place 1 food on each remaining space for rounds 10 to 14. You do not need to pay wood for the fences. Is not activated when you don't use an action space to play an occupation (e.g. Later in this round, you can still place the person that you would have placed this turn. When you play this card, you can convert as many animals to food as you have family members. because of the. Wood or food planted on. If, when you play this card or later in the game, you are the last player to have only 2 rooms in your home, you receive 3 wood, 2 clay, 1 reed and 1 stone. After you play this card, pass it to the player on your left, who adds it to their hand. If you use the Acrobat to move a person at the end of the round, you receive the discount for that person. During the feeding phase of each harvest, you may trade 1 vegetable for 1 of any type of animal that you already have in your farmyard. Theoretically, all cards from one edition are compatible with the cards of other. At the start of these rounds, you receive the food. I could sometimes find a card combination that would pull off an upset victory, but I almost never had fun playing the game. The Reed Buyer cannot interfere when reed is taken for the second time in a round. You can immediately turn over up to 2 forest tiles to show the moor side, as long as there is nothing except the forest tile on those spaces. You no longer need to pay any heating costs. Place 3 usage counters on this card. You may not use both the Conservator and the. All improvements, rooms and renovations cost you 1 stone less. You may then in a later sowing action sow another grain here. Information is scattered about online and it's hard to get the big picture. You cannot use the newborn to take an action in this round. [. The starting player then places the second person, and the third person is then played by you due to the normal flow of the game. You may not use the Paddocks to fence unfenced farmyard spaces. Whenever you convert cattle, wild boar, or horses to food, you receive 1 additional wood for each of these animals that you convert. If you only pay 1 clay for the Golem because of another improvement or occupation, you can only take the double action once, and only in the next round. All players can pay 1 food less whenever they play an occupation. Skip Navigation Accessibility Feedback Toggle Sidebar Show Menu. Whenever you use the "Hiring Fair" special action or the "Day Labourer" action space, you also receive 1 fuel. Unlike the original (EIK) decks, however, they are not scaled by complexity. There can be up to 3 stacks of wood on this card, as shown. You can use a renovate action to discard this card and add 1 room to your wooden hut. If all they do is rework the artwork to match the Revised Edition, theres so much content already created for Agricola they have plenty to choose from withouthaving to go back to the drawing board. If you receive more than one resource at the same time, you can choose the order in which you receive them, except that if you use an action space, you first receive all resources from the action itself, and then all resources from card effects. Once per round, you can skip placing a family member when it's your turn. Whenever you receive an improvement card in your hand from the player to your right, you also receive 1 food from the general supply. From now until the end of the game, the other players do not receive goods and food during the work phase, but only when they return their people to their home. It is irrelevant how many occupations you have played yourself. Take the food from the action space, and the same amount from the general supply. You must have room in your home. Whenever another player has family growth, he must pay you 1 food (or beg the food, if necessary). For each sheep that you convert to food, place 1 food from the general supply on this card. The vegetables on this card are counted in the scoring at the end of the game. The "1 Sheep", "1 Wild Boar" and "1 Cattle" cards are added in Rounds 1--4, 8--9 and 10--11. After you play this card, pass it to the player on your left, who adds it to their hand. All players secretly place food in their hands, and then simultaneously reveal the food. Place up to 3 food from your personal supply on this card. Place 1 fewer grain or vegetable from the supply on the newly planted field. Whenever you use the "Cut Peat" special action, you can place 1 additional grain on all fields and farmyard spaces where grain is growing. Is activated by the action space "Take 1 Building Resource" in 3-player games if you take reed. You may use the other player's baking improvements whenever you take a bread baking action. At any time, you may convert 1 vegetable in your personal supply to 1 grain. Other reasonsAgricolahasnt made it to the table much in our household, include: Upgraded and painted game pieces for my First Edition Agricolagame. If we have trouble, someone whos color blind will almost certainly have trouble. Agricola: Revised Edition, a digital version of the award-winning board game, is available now for iOS and Android Featuring rebalanced and reworked cards based on the physical 2016 revised edition By Stephen Gregson-Wood | Apr 17, 2020 iOS + Android | Agricola Revised Edition Correction: Likewise, your FLGS will likely have only the Revised Edition nowadays, but they might have a copy of the Z-Man Edition in stock if you're looking for it. Add 4, 7, 9 and 11 to the number of the current round and place 1 sheep on each corresponding round space. All of the player boards are the same now. It is allowed to choose an action space with a sowing action, only to sow on the Acreage. A space with fuel and food counts as unused. In each round where you finish the work phase without a special action card in front of you, you receive 1 food during the returning home phase. You also receive the food and wood when an improvement is upgraded to a baking improvement. with a plough), you may only take grain from previously existing fields that contained grain before you started ploughing. Select 1 of your built stables. While all of the decks were technically compatible with each other, no one in their right mind played them together at once. For example, the (A) deck's 168 cards are found in the base game's box (48 cards) and the Artifex expansion (120 cards). [. Quick view Choose Options. If you convert an animal yourself, you receive no additional food. If you use e.g. These food remain on the board even when the 3 additional food from the Village Well are distributed, and are distributed again if the Well is purchased a second time. Whenever another player receives 2 or more animals of one type, you can buy one from him. You cannot get more than 1 bonus point per harvest. We look into some of the best solo war board games. See store ratings and reviews and find the best prices on Ravensburger labyrinth family board game, Walmart, Advanced Games & Puzzles with Shopzilla's shopping search engine. After you play this card, pass it to the player on your left, who adds it to their hand. You do not receive food for the current round, or any of the earlier rounds. You can also play this card using an action space in the usual way. Add to Wish List $ 42. fence a pasture containing one space on this card and one on your player board. When you play this card, place one of your unbuilt fences upright on an unused farmyard space. Whenever you use a bread baking action, you may convert: grain 2 food. When you play this card, you may, Cannot be bought as long as it is covered by the. It is not allowed to use an empty accumulating action space such as "3 Wood", not even if it activates other improvements or occupations. because of. Whenever you bake 1 or more grain into bread, you may pay 1 additional. If the occupation or improvement that you play with the Scholar has an effect at the start of a round, you may choose to use it immediately in the round it is played. Please share any comments and suggestions. Other players that use the Harrow may only plough 2 fields at once if they use one of the ploughing action spaces. At the start of the feeding phase in each harvest, you can take 1 grain from 1 field belonging to another player. because of, Is activated by any sowing action, including those from, You may also use the Scythe on improvements like the. Is activated when a player uses an action space on which stone is placed each round, the action space "1 Reed, Stone, and Food" in 4-player games, the action space "1 Reed, Stone, and Wood" in 5-player games. At the end of the game, any player who has no negative points receives 5 bonus points. Is not activated when you use an occupation to get vegetables. Place 2 food from the general supply on each of up to 3 empty fields. You do not have to use an action space to build a room with the Mason. As described above, the difference in card backs between the original and Revised editions makes compatibility a challenge because, while the game play would mostly function normally, the back of the card would indicate which edition it came from. The card can hold a maximum of 1 sheep, 1 wild boar and 1 cattle. On top of it all even the cards dont trigger properly. 1 Getreide nehmen Take 1 Grain And place it in your personal supply. Agricola: Family Edition set up for two. I always feel like theres just not enough time or actions available to get everything I need done. You can only return a person home if you use an action space with an occupation action. At the end of the game, you receive 1 bonus point for every 2 cattle. If the well has already been built, place the food immediately. Whenever you grow your family, you may pay 1 stone for 1 bonus point. Includes 12 Minors and 12 Occupations. You can bake bread immediately when you play this card. At the start of these rounds, you receive the food. You may not exchange 1 wood or 1 clay for only 1 stone, or exchange 1 wood and 1 clay for 2 stone. You may use the "Slash and Burn" action to create a field that does not border your other fields, as long as the extra field from the Cattle Collar connects all of your fields. At the end of the game, you receive 1/2/3 bonus points for 2/4/5 wood. Adapted the boards from the Family Edition for use in regular or revised Agricola. Place 1 sheep on each of the next 3 round spaces. In the round in which you play this card, you may only move the family member from the Traveling Players action space if it was placed, Moving a person with the Acrobat counts as taking an action, e.g. When you sow, you can plant wood on this card. due to the Wood Distributor). It is allowed to choose an action space with a sowing action, only to sow on the Baking Field. Whenever you use the "Take 1 Grain" action space, you receive 1 additional grain. At the start of each round, you receive the fuel or the horse. When counting forests, e.g. six edition apa citation text . Many of these rulings are based on clarifications by Uwe Rosenberg, the game author, and Hanno Girke of Lookout Games. The capacity of the Wildlife Reserve is increased by the. This is a fence building action, and activates, If you convert a single sheep into food, you don't receive any reed, not even if you already converted a single sheep earlier. If you pay 1 fuel, you receive 1 more additional wood. AGRICOLA: A STRATEGY BOARDGAME FOR ADVANCED PLAYERS, A GREAT CLASSIC SINCE 2007 Nearly 15 years ago, Uwe Rosenberg's famous agricultural board game AGRICOLA was released and became one of the most beloved board games of our time. Personally, I am intent on maintaining "fairness" within a game, particularity ones I know well. Whenever you use the Traveling Players action on an action space, you can return 1 animal of your choice to the general supply and receive 4 food in exchange. Whenever you use the "Cut Peat" special action, add 3 to the current round. If you use the Traveling Players action, you should place claim markers on the three action spaces "Take 1 Grain", "Plough 1 Field" and "Plough Field and Sow", as a reminder that these may be claimed later. In my opinion, the shaped wooden pieces make a huge difference to game play. You receive the token once the space is no longer empty. Agricola (Revised Edition) is designed by Uwe Rosenberg, and published by Lookout Games. Includes 118 Minors Improvements (Occupations are generally not played with Farmers). Immediately place 1 guest marker on one of your forest tiles. The grain that is used to buy the Brewery and grain that you want to convert into 3 food may not be on fields; they must be taken from your personal supply. On a turn, players place a family member token on a location in town in order to collect resources or to take actions to improve their farm. In future, whenever you play an occupation, you receive 2 food before you pay the costs of the occupation. Agricola Revised Edition Board Game Be the first to write a review. Place 1 reed on the next 4 round spaces. If you have 2 or more vegetables, you receive 1 vegetable from the general supply. Whenever you renovate your home, you may at the same time build 1 room. Is also activated when you use an action space that contains wood because of the. At the end of the game, all players with the most total grain receive 2 bonus points each. Between the field and feeding phases of each harvest, you may play a minor improvement or pay 2 food to build a major improvement. Place 4 of your fences on each corresponding round space. Only affects goods that are earned directly through an action space, not through improvements and occupations. Links will open in a new window or tab. After you play this card, pass it to the player on your left, who adds it to their hand. The player with the most valuable street receives 2 Bonus points when scoring. The forest tiles do not count as pastures. Includes 117 Minors (Occupations are generally not played with Farmers). The Swineherd is not activated by using this space. You immediately receive as much food as you would receive from one of your baking improvements if you baked 1 grain into bread. If you sow an empty field, you cannot use the Scythe on that same field in the same sowing action. At the end of the game, the player(s) with the most rooms in their home receive 3 bonus points each. You can only skip your turn if at least one other player still has at least one person left to place. If the action space provides a choice of actions, you may choose either. Whenever another player sows, you may pay 1 food to the supply to immediately take a sowing action. You can remove 1 tile with the "Fell Trees" special action---you cannot use the "Slash and Burn" action on spaces with 2 forest tiles. You may use other cards that change the costs of an improvement together with the Environmentalist for the same action. Whenever you use the "Plough 1 Field" or "Plough Field and Sow" action spaces, you can additionally bake bread. They were both utilitarian and a nice play aid for new players. Theme of this deck is France. Until the end of the next harvest, you may convert animals, vegetables, grain, and building resources to food as if you owned the chosen player's improvements in addition to yours. If you havent, the generic bits probably werent a problem for you. Questions. Immediately acquire the Joinery, Pottery, or Basketmaker's Workshop, without placing a person. The farmyard space does not count as a pasture. If it is still on the card at the end of the game, you receive 2 bonus points. Any other player can prevent this by buying the grain from you for 2 food. The Well and the Village Church swap places. If you return this card to your hand, it does not count as a played occupation, e.g. After you've paid the 1 food, you may immediately convert the animal into food with an appropriate improvement. You must still pay the costs of the renovation. At the end of the game, if your pastures occupy 6/7/8/9+ farmyard spaces, you receive 1/2/3/4 bonus points. Med tv centrala The start cards are numbered from 1 to 9. Your wild boar breed at the end of round 12, if there is room for the piglet. The box says its the Revised Edition. Current Stock: If you have the. The grain still counts as harvested, e.g. The wine cellar does not count as a stable. On this card, you can plant vegetables as you would on a field. In stock - ships today. When you play this card, you may bake bread with all of your ovens and other suitable improvements. After you play this card, pass it to the player on your left, who adds it to their hand. Bad interface. It was a trap! with the Harvest Feast, you must bake all grain in 1 baking action. You receive goods if you own craftman's buildings. Once you live in a stone house, place 1 sheep on each remaining round space. After you play this card, pass it to the player on your left, who adds it to their hand. In each harvest, you take one food from each of the stacks. Each room of your clay hut costs you 3 clay and 2 reeds. If you use the action space containing your fence, and you build fences, this activates the. Whenever you use the "Day Labourer" action space, you may immediately afterward take a sowing action. and the action space "Take 1 Building Resource" in 3-player games if you take wood or clay. Each pasture (with or without a stable) can hold up to 2 more animals. The sides of your home do not count as fences (even when they help surround one of your pastures). These decks are additional Occupations to be added to be base Agricola-Revised game to allow for 5+ players. The idea was to go through the hundreds of original Minors and Occupations and cherry-pick the best and/or most popular cards to create two tightly edited, streamlined sets. If a farmyard space contains 2 tiles, only the topmost tile counts for this card. I'm unpacking the pieces, and the manual says there should be 14 action space cards, 10 major improvement cards, minor improvement cards, and 48 occupation cards. You cannot take other resources, such as wood from. This meant that out-of-the-box Revised Agricola had a very similar feel to its predecessor. This is reduced to 1 food if you receive other building resources as well as reed. The action performed by a guest counts for the. At the end of the game, you receive 1 bonus point for every 2 cattle. Once during the game, when you use either the "Plough 1 Field" or the "Plough Field and Sow" action space, you can plough 2 fields instead of 1. I was teaching it to a new player, but it still seemed long. That player receives 2 food from the general supply. Both Sowing action spaces provide a choice of actions. You may keep more than 1 type of animal in your home. Outside of the breeding phase, a pony counts as a horse. You may then in a later sowing action sow more wood here. The next player may use the Keg the same round. May not be used when you build a new room for a clay hut or a stone house, not even if you have the, If this card is already in play at the start of a solo game, the current round number is 0. Once you have played this card, you may not take part in the next harvest. Whenever you sow on the Turnip Field, you may use the. The next time you build fences, you receive 1 wild boar. The building resources can be the same or different. This single page document collects information from various BGG threads and Eric Hos fabulous card database to provide a concise overview of the structure of each of the primary decks available for Agricola (Revised). If you have an oven, the Glassblower may convert 1/2 clay to 3/5 food in each harvest. Until then, you can put the newborn on this occupation card. Is activated by the action space "Take 1 Building Resource" in 3-player games if you take stone. Is activated when another player uses a baking improvement (with the baking symbol) to convert grain to food. After you play this card, pass it to the player on your left, who adds it to their hand. The box is the same still noinsert so youll probably want to add some containers or a plano box for the bits even though several zip-close bags come with the game. Whenever you convert at least 1 wood to fuel during a harvest to heat your home, you need a total of 1 fuel fewer. In the 5-player game, there is an action space that gives players 1 animal of their choice. When you play this card, you receive 1 wild boar. for the. When you play this card, you receive 2 wood. There are even options for team play and an Agricola campaign (series of games). In a solo game, this card is removed from the game after you play it. The chosen player may use their improvements normally. Promote community contributions! It is irrelevant whether you discard major or minor improvements. When you play this card, you receive 2 wood. Prepare to play two harvests in a row. If the other player builds multiple rooms, you may build up to that same number. This document is based on the German . During the feeding phase of the harvest, you are the last player to take a turn. Is not activated when you receive wood because of a minor improvement or occupation. At the end of the game, you receive 1 bonus point for each stone on this card. Whenever you use one of the "1 Sheep", "1 Wild Boar" or "1 Cattle" action spaces, you can pay 1 food to take 1 additional animal of that type. Whenever you take an occupation action on an action space, you may play 2 occupations one after another. It answers all the questions I had when I was new to Agricola and wanted to understand the relationships between the various decks and sub-decks and where the cards came from. and the action space "Take 1 Building Resource" in 3-player games if the other player takes wood. [, Cards that change the costs of minor improvements, such as, Playing the Stone House Extension counts as building a room, and activates e.g. Whenever you use the "Day Labourer" action space, you receive an additional 3 stone. All later fields should be adjacent to at least one existing field. At the end of the game, it is worth only half a point, but it can (like other horses) be converted into food with an appropriate improvement. If you already have a clay hut or a stone house when you play this card, place the food immediately. Moving a person with the Pond Watchman counts as taking an action, e.g. Is used during the harvest at the same time as the. If you take fences back from your farm, you don't get your wood back. The total number of grain on your fields (including, Sowing the grain counts as a sowing action, and activates e.g. Family members placed on this card in round 14 do not count for the, Action spaces on minor improvements, or introduced into the game by the. Whenever you use the "Fishing" action space, you can pay 1 fuel to receive an additional 3 food. You may return food from this card to your personal supply at any time. But then there was the the Belgium Deck which contained the two separate codes: (FL) for the Flanders sub-deck and (WA) for the Willonia sub-deck. Not be bought as long as it is covered by the Heating Stove are based on clarifications Uwe... Receives 5 bonus points the `` Day Labourer '' action space to build a room after the has... Campaign ( series of games ) to take an occupation ( e.g only stone! Player builds multiple rooms, you may immediately afterward take a sowing action sow more wood here for stone. Has at least one other player can prevent this by buying the grain from 1 9! For 2 stone may bake bread immediately when you play this card pass! An animal yourself, you receive 1/2/3/4 bonus points amount from the general supply are even options team. 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