
are david and peter olusoga brothers

They are stupid false for America. What difference has it made? Young people - such as Lavinya Stennett who founded the Black Curriculum campaign group - have been calling for change. And tolerance is not a given. When Olusoga recalled the experience before television cameras last year, he wept. Certainly they killed them casually often for religious reasons. Olusoga, who is half-Nigerian, traces this focus to his mother telling him when he was a child that Nigerian soldiers served in World War II. History is just one awful thing after another. I dont think the traders can be given a pass on this front either., Just means they werent alone in being in the wrong.. Britain should be proud of helping to stop (African to America) slavery, like the Republican Party and unlike the Democrats. I brought up paedophilia to demonstrate that there are things not worth my time. It died out with the Romans leaving, and its non-legality repeatedly reaffirmed from the reign of the early Normans onwards. You know, entirely ignoring lifetime effects? From Roots. I am not so sure about that although it is another argument. The Coldest Case in Laramie: yet another bleak true crime podcast, From Sophie Mackintosh to Stephen Moss: new books reviewed in short, Universal Credit falls short of covering the bare essentials. One sporting event that has captured your imagination I was fortunate enough to get tickets to see some of the basketball at the London 2012 Olympics, so my brother and I went to watch the GB vs. Spain game. To be honest, I was a bit sceptical about the Olympics coming to London, but the atmosphere across the capital was genuinely wonderful . Read about our approach to external linking. David Olusoga is a 49-year-old historian and presenter Credit: Getty - Contributor David Olusoga is a British Nigerian historian, broadcaster and writer. I havent the faintest idea whether slavery in the Roman controlled areas of Britain was more along the continental Roman model or retained Celtic characteristics. Long after he had published Corydon, his defence of pederasty. Olusoga poses as an objective historian and says he is not there to bring comfort to people. One issue about Westerners buying slaves via a chain of commerce that often ultimately involved Africans selling other Africans at traditional slave-trading locations (there was some slave-raiding by Europeans directly, but rarer) is that the extra demand distorted the market, led directly to more armed slave-raiding expeditions against rival tribes and so on. Wider imperialism reparations that include South Asia, China for the Opium Wars and so on, surely even more prohibitively costly, regardless of how effective the education system gets at making young Brits feel a vague sense of guilt about it all. Nevertheless, we live in a society that generally regards slavery as an absolute and eternal wrong, and a grave one at that, yet which has historically (at least certain people and places, and including the state itself) benefited from imposing slavery on others.. And, of course, being half white, he is only entitled to half the reparation payment. Women, denied a meaningful role in politics, formed their own organisations, writing tracts, pamphlets and poems, gathering signatures for petitions and fundraising: At certain times and in certain places they were the engine room of the movement.. What has Nigeria ever done for him? P rofessor David Olusoga is reviewing a disorientating year from a familiar place: his white-painted study, the one with the guitars hanging from its walls. And so, equipped with the fruits of Islamic learning (new navigational instruments, books on astronomy and trigonometry), European explorers set sail for Africa to relieve the natives of their gold. . If slavery really mattered theyd be campaigning for reparations from the blacks and arabs/moslems who were doing it long before the white man arrived in Africa and was far more devastating. Over 150 years in America. Married an American GI after the war. Equiano is also mentioned in Incomparable World, a novel by SI Martin, which was selected by Booker award-winning author Bernardine Evaristo for her Black Britain: Writing Back series. Full text must be online somewhere but theres an extract at https://www.history.co.uk/shows/the-real-vikings/articles/eyewitness-to-the-vikings. It could have ended earlier, but the planter interests in parliament defeated William Wilberforces attempts. But morals are very transient things. Tull played professional football for Northampton but instead of signing up for Glasgow Rangers, he enlisted. And yes, grand scheme of things, forced choice between living in a central Asian city about to be captured by ticked-off Mongols and an African tribal group about to be captured by profit-hungry slavers then fine, I take the latter hands down. David will . Societies have what morals suit them. Thats before you get on to the Khoisan and the Zulus, the Carthaginians and Romans, the Vikings versus pretty much anyone else who lived within raiding distance, Theres a fundamental weakness with all theories of universal law or justice, which is that across time and space, the human conception of what is right and just seems to be extremely varied and rarely (to modern Western eyes) pleasant. And so many hundreds of thousands of British workers were directly dependent on slavery (from sailors to those who built, rigged and repaired ships) that it was easy to turn a blind eye to the inhumanity. See, five years ago I wouldnt have written a crass comment like that, but hey, times achanging and as financially independent with some FU-money, I dont have to worry about cancellation culture, LOL. In the system that made Sloane wealthy, black women sought out herbs, plant species that he carefully identified and categorised, and used them to induce abortions, determined as many were not to bring into the world children who would be born items of property and destined to live short, brutalised lives. Not many remember anything about segregation either. There is an alternative argument that it is their ancestors who were wronged hence deserve compensation and as descendants theyre entitled to an inherited share (so their portion depends on how many slaves at what position in the family tree) plus interest, regardless of how well theyre doing now. He also studied at the University of Liverpool and so benefits from slavery as much as anyone else. The agreement is being touted as a . Like the Nigerian slavers who enslaved and sold the slaves, you mean? It was an apt university to experiment with such developments, since Lord Scarman, who reported on the Brixton riots of 1981, was its chancellor. I think it's an astonishing achievement.". Rapidly promoted to sergeant, then second lieutenant, he led white British troops into action and died in 1918, having been mentioned in despatches and recommended for the Military Cross. Used to be on a long-dead and much missed forum where the topics of debate ranged far wider than they do here (as did the viewpoints I think it would be useful if us right-wing brexity mob didnt chase off the sensible non-right-wing non-brexity types so much). Olusoga unloads all sorts of characterizations. TV presenter David Olusoga has told the Edinburgh TV Festival his career had sometimes left him feeling "crushed, isolated," and "disempowered". The novel became the bestselling book of 19th-century Britain; it was adapted for the theatre and generated mass-produced merchandise playing cards, jigsaws, tableware. How could Britain, a civilised and Christian nation, indulge in rape, torture, killing and the forced labour of Africans over two centuries? MyBurningEars August 30, 2020 at 3:31 pm Deliberately shipping that many people that far in order to participate in a newly-created society whose economic system was designed, pretty much from the ground up, around slave labour?, True that unlike certain other examples of slavery, you werent likely to be killed as part of a religious sacrifice or as part of your owners funeral., But there have been other societies with slavery where slaves had more autonomy and a greater chance of buying their freedom.. Africans had a demand for female slaves. He previously worked at JP Morgan for 18 years in a number of senior roles and was . If someone from Portugal or France wants to explain why their country has done a better job of getting the balance right, Im open to hearing it. A House Through Time returned to BBC Two in May for its third season, and once again is fronted by historian extraordinaire David Olusoga. Read about our approach to external linking. I assume these were usually killed before Europeans turned up and bought them. Not sure how sick this makes me. Intellectually more convincing anyway for practical and political purposes, demolishing a straw-man often makes a better video or audio clip while simultaneously making your opponents position sound stupid. Olusoga has benefited from and added significantly to the work of Fryer and other historians such as James Walvin. There is plenty of slavery about we just do not call it that. And this of course neatly addresses MBEs arguments. It wasnt always so & it may not be in the future. Will Britain change? Later his parents separated from each other when he was just two years old. Required fields are marked *. Olusoga brilliantly reveals such contradictions in British society. Check out the trailer for Peter Pan & Wendy, an upcoming live-action movie directed by David Lowery. By this logic, we ought to sue the African American community. When I met her, ~1995, I started asking her questions about the war, as I thought she was a fabulous resource of information. A covering letter would be a courtesy but probably not a necessity. They have a game plan & youre falling for it. He is a Cultural Marxist trying to destroy the West. He seems to be an interesting social historian and his TV series on the occupants of a single house over the centuries is very good, although I suspect a lot of the research is done by others, I look forward to an even handed expose of the entire slave trade from birth to capture, imprisonment, sale, transportation, arrival, sale, treatment and life while enslaved as well as the UKs role in stopping it, But it wont be on the BBC, and he wont be writing it I fear, @smfs Slavery within West African societies being different again I dont think the places with very high rates of local slavery were anything like the sugar plantations. Its an interesting exercise to consider, given we live within such a system, how or whether that contradiction can be settled. Olusoga, who presents the BBC documentary series A House Through Time, told presenter Lauren Laverne that racism was "just the background hum of life" when he was growing up. Olusoga was born in Lagos to a White mother and a Nigerian father - who, I hate to say nautrally, did a runner. I learned the hard way. Thats fine, BraveFart. A newsletter showcasing the finest writing from the ideas section, covering political ideas, philosophy, criticism and intellectual history - sent every Wednesday. Id agree that attitudes in the UK are approaching that situation, but theres still a long, long way to go yet. Prof Olusoga is not the only person who has been drawn to Equiano's story. He updates Fryer, citing radioisotope analysis of skeletons and craniometrics, which support written documentation of Aurelian Moors guarding Hadrians Wall and settling in places such as Yorkshire. It could not have happened at all unless African traders and kings had offered slaves to the Europeans. One person who had a huge impact on Britain was Olaudah Equiano, an enslaved man who bought his freedom and wrote compellingly about his experiences. It was far too real to her. Jamaicans and Nigerians used to hate each other. He presents a one sided and biased picture of slavery which takes no account of the African participation in it. And yet Africans and West Indians were banned from the victory parade in 1919. at scales that were unusual in the long and varied history of slavery, and levels of brutality that stood out too.. at scales that were unusual in the long and varied history of slavery, and levels of brutality that stood out too. After all, adult males were all but worthless and demand for women might have been enough to drive the trade anyway. Note, hes a renowned economist. "This is a richer history as well as a necessary history; this is a more vivid history as well as a history that tells the back stories of more people in this country than the traditional narratives we've had.". There is no reason to think one system was more or less brutal than the other. Slavery didnt last much longer for various reasons, fizzled out in a century or so, but we have the records to show it was still part of the system after twenty years of Norman rule: https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/domesday/world-of-domesday/order.htm. Away from the creative arts, the Equiano Project aims to promote race equality and he was mentioned in Parliament during a debate on Black History and Cultural Diversity in the Curriculum. And Britain worked for the whole of the 19th century to put down slavery in Africa. Writing in english is cultural appropriation so STFU. Shipwrecked off the coast of Africa, he, and other survivors, were taken by an African tribe as captives. Thy did not try to grow or raise the next generation. is that the extra demand distorted the market, led directly to more armed slave-raiding expeditions against rival tribes and so on.. However, it applies to at least 80% of Americans. Whoever has the upper-hand in power political, cultural, economic, military or whatever other form is decisive at that moment. No other race / culture was willing and able to do that. Maybe heard of Saint Balthild, seventh-century English lass sold into slavery, exported to the Continent, served in a palace and ended up marrying the Frankish King?). Well whats the point of pretending it doesnt also induce moral disgust in me, just in case someone mistakes it for guilt, or an admission of liability? They deliberately bought skewed mostly male gender balance. Just means they werent alone in being in the wrong. The Westman Islands of Iceland have an interesting history in terms of European slavery a major rebellion of presumably mostly Irish (Westmen) slaves was put down there in the typically brutal Scandinavian manner, hence the name, but in the 1600s the local inhabitants were themselves enslaved by Barbary pirates and taken to Algiers, from where a few were ransomed back and one wrote about the experience. Prof David Olusoga has presented numerous documentaries including A House Through Time and Black and Black and British: A Forgotten History, Olaudah Equiano played a role in Britain's abolishment of slavery, Performer Giles Terera has written a play featuring Equiano, Prof Olusoga said when it was published, people did not believe the book was by an African as it was deemed so well written, Bernardine Evaristo (second left) has launched a series called Black Britain: Writing Back which features novels by black British authors that have been overlooked, Should black history be taught all year round? The best and brightest minds in the UK defended Stalins slavery. Dr Peter Olusoga is a senior psychology lecturer at Sheffield Hallam university. Theres a flaw in arguments of the form frankly you should be glad I murdered your sister, since had I not done so, its quite possible though we cannot be sure that someone else would have tortured her then murdered her, which is even worse, so whos the real criminal? Which is that I still murdered your sister. Video, 1894 shipwreck confirms tale of treacherous lifeboat, BBC Radio 3 - Drama on 3: The Meaning of Zong, BBC Bitesize: The Zong 1781-1783 - The triangular trade, during a debate on Black History and Cultural Diversity in the Curriculum, Harry and Meghan told to 'vacate' Frogmore Cottage, Explosive found in check-in luggage at US airport, Fungus case forces Jack Daniels to halt construction, Rare Jurassic-era bug found at Arkansas Walmart, China and Belarus call for peace in Ukraine, Fire knocks out half of Argentina's power grid, Havana Syndrome unlikely to have hostile cause - US, Starbucks illegally fired workers over union - judge. If their ancestors had remained in Africa would they be better off than they are now? At the moment it seems to regarded as a good thing. The reason why Equiano is not a national name is because slavery is not a part of the history that we teach when it should be because I don't think you can understand the 18th century in particular but also the 19th century without reference to slavery.". It happened. Hes insisting that a household headed by a 21 year old black should have the average wealth of all white households. Once insignificant villages, great cities such as Liverpool, Bristol and Glasgow sprang up on the profits of slavery. Oh man. "They do not want British history to be a catalogue of heroes and victories and glorious chapters," he says. Country Star Kacey Musgraves: Voting for Trump Is an Act of Violence. Reckon they found commenters guessing which parts of a hypothetical argument were meant all part of the fun, In many respects youre one of the posters here whose views on morality Im closest to our personal moralities probably being quite far apart, but I recognise mine as very much the product of my upbringing and surrounding society and know enough about other places and times to realise just how contingent that makes them. Britain was happy to force the Bevan Boys down coal mines. Over 1000 years in Britain. There is no reason to think that slavery was nicer in Africa. Different people can argue the toss from different viewpoints and perspectives but in many ways their arguments pass each other like ships in the night, because they havent all got nobodys got an absolute frame of reference to judge things with respect to. But Ill tell you what, slavery and human sacrifice, still awful. A fifty quid note in the hand of the first black bloke you encounter. Within the EU the two most common ages of consent are 14 and 15 (if Ive done my counting correctly), though in some but not all cases thats with additional restrictions on permissible age gaps. Ive always agreed that the Africans should pay reparations to the rest of us for dumping all those people they wanted to get rid of on us. As he states, The oral history of 20th-century racial violence has never been collected or collated, but it is thereand it is shocking.. Had a vault for the more inflammatory pieces. It costs money to replace them and after a famine the price of slaves would rise. But those were in those long-lost days when democrats and republicans could talk to each other and agree to disagree while both leaving the conversation a little the wiser.. . Its a shame BBC Radio 3 - Drama on 3, The Meaning of Zong, Spacious open-plan family home in Muswell Hill, Five Cineworlds across south London still at risk of permanent closure, Residents who have 'suffered for years' to be asked if they want blocks knocked down, Dazzling Thamesmead light festival returns with performances, films and flash mob, Charlton murderer claims prison guards broke his arm and sues for 20k, Children and young people with eating disorders face treatment postcode lottery, Angry protests erupt over Greek rail disaster, How fake copyright complaints are muzzling journalists, 1894 shipwreck confirms tale of treacherous lifeboat. Video1894 shipwreck confirms tale of treacherous lifeboat, How 10% of Nigerian registered voters delivered victory, Sake brewers toast big rise in global sales, The Indian-American CEO who wants to be US president, Blackpink lead top stars back on the road in Asia, Exploring the rigging claims in Nigeria's elections, 'Wales is in England' gaffe sparks TikToker's trip. That is not true. The enslaved Africans had to wait another five years for their freedom and were not given a penny. Probably few other societies had as much chance of buying freedom. In the USA? For almost 60 years, there was impasse. David Olusoga meets Janice Haber and her family, the descendents of Jewish . He writes to inflame white guilt, so that you will ACCEPT destruction of your culture. In that moment, his interest in history overlapped. What do you think their stongest argument is? His dad met his mom at the city's university in the 1960s. Olusogas ancestors will have participated in the capture of sale of slaves in Nigeria. And, of course, being half white, he is only entitled to half the reparation payment. The race obsessed Department of Education goes to considerable lengths to distinguish Caribbeans and West Africans. David Olusoga John Mandeville, whose travelogue (circa 1356) was one of the most widely translated books of the later Middle Ages, presented Africans as naked savages living amid heaps of gold to which they gave no value. "We are on a journey in this country and other countries are on similar journeys to try and reconnect to parts of our history that had traditionally been edited out," adds Prof Olusoga. But maybe they did not. It isnt happening now. I suspect that whether records could prove it or not, its overwhelmingly likely to be true, especially since high-status individuals tend to make a bigger contribution to the gene pool. Would probably have taken your suggestion as a challenge. I cant see this one surviving people being expected to dig into their pockets for a few trillion. It was, I believe, the first book I ever bought for myself with my own money. Rather the constitution banned the slave trade and so it become economically worth it to make sure slaves lived longer. You might have heard of a Romano-British chap called Patrick, got enslaved and nabbed to Ireland? "The phenomena of which he is iconic is one that we have written out, edited out of our nation. Joining them is Psychologist and Lecturer at Lancaster University, Dr David Tod, for a fascinating conversation about the psychology of acting. . Nor do I think that sugar is worse than cotton. But Muslims were enslaving white Europeans into Africa long before the Atlantic route, usually castrating the males. Anglo-Saxons had slaves. Now Im trying to imagine just what the strongest case for reparations might be, but even in this thought experiment its hard to see what the eligibility criteria for receiving payment should be, what sum should be due, how much proof is required of eligibility not everyone will have a good set of family records etc. Would, say, Huguenot-descended South Africans suing France over the 1572 St. Bartholomews Day massacre, or Cornish people suing HMG for the suppression of the 1497 Rebellion, deserve compensation?. The Sokoto Caliphate probably had as many slaves and a lot fewer free men as the Old South. Black and British: A Forgotten History addresses one of the greatest silences in British historiography. The rest of this looks like the usual white washing (so to speak) of African slavery. He was a prominent figure in the campaign to abolish slavery. Inflaming the reader has no purpose relative to slavery. Over 1000 years in Britain. That was at the least unusual, particularly from a West European perspective bearing in mind the practice of slavery had pretty much fizzled out there. "So when black history was missing - the history of empire, the history of slavery - was missing from my history lessons, I didn't have a place to go to discover those missing chapters. He adds: "The reason Equiano's story, Equiano's voice, is not as well known as it should be, is because we have a long habit in this country of not wanting to talk about slavery. Macmillan, 624pp, 25, David Dabydeen is a novelist, broadcaster, academic and co-editor of The Oxford Companion to Black British History (Oxford University Press), This article appears in the 16 Aug 2017 issue of the New Statesman, Trump goes nuclear, Quick and essential guide to domestic and global politics. This is indeed tu quoque. That hes able to write this article is because hes living in what is, by historical standards, a remarkably tolerant society. Would the good professor really be so different if genealogical records could prove he had African ancestors who owned African slaves? That is a strawman argument at its best. The UK, Norway, Benelux, Spain, Malta and Switzerland are, I believe, the only western European countries to set it at 16. Shouldnt matter whether some long-dead relative fought long ago for or against (not at all to disparage your ancestors GC, who all sound very sound) in terms of whether somethings your fault. We pretend we do not like slavery but actually we do not like slave traders. Mans a loon. TV historian David Olusoga claims it is "palpable nonsense" to say that removing controversial statues "somehow impoverishes history". I have done nothing. Anybody can do this. If one disproves his assertions would slavery then be okay? Get back to us when your sin/privilege is expunged. Anti-black riots broke out in Liverpool that year. The evidence of this is that seasoned slaves, those exposed to the environment, sold for up to 50% more than new ones. Re putting the argument for paedophilia they actually gave Gide the Nobel prize for literature didnt they? If there were African states with legal continuity to those political entities which established and encouraged the African slave markets, they would be on the hook too, but theres a discontinuity due to colonialism and besides, everyone knows to sue the rich guy not the poor guy. Prof Olusoga says statues, such as those of slave traders . Maybe someone should advise him to button his lip before he stirs up something he may not like. Surely the US has already spent much more than that on black Americans. Maybe Europeans did increase demand. So 10.416 were sold by the Africans every month for one hundred years, There will be no peace on this issue until black people acknowledge their own responsibility for the trade. The historian and producer said he wanted to. Its a replay of the ecology nutters & the trannies. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vestmannaeyjar, Slavery in England definitely continued for a couple of generations after the Norman Conquest and Bristol was a major export centre, though there were attempts to ban the export trade in particular (https://www.historytoday.com/archive/normans-and-slavery-breaking-bonds has some interesting quotes from the time). Just as how in the 16th century the anti-slavery voices in Europe were overwhelmed, and in the 19th century the abolitionists won out. it was cheaper, at times, to starve people and then replace them I personally dont find that as convincing as the case that slaves themselves deserved compensation, and while there were strong political and practical reasons owners were compensated upon abolition but not their former slaves, it doesnt leave a great moral taste in the mouth that twas so. "Incorporating the stories of people like Equiano is merely part of a process of looking at all of British history; not just being selective, not only going to the chapters that make us feel good about ourselves or proud.". "I don't know why this generation has a different relationship with the past, goes to the past, expecting and looking for different things to earlier generations, but that's really is my observation about them," he says adding the internet has played a huge part. One of the reasons why the American and Caribbean experiences were very different. Then a young teenager, he was driven out of his council home, together with his grandmother, mother, two sisters and younger brother, by a sustained campaign of nightly stoning of their windows. Societies have had a long history of treating minorities harshly. Id say this to Mr Olusoga. I could just as well feel something else entirely, and Im sceptical of all approaches to impose a supposedly universal, timeless or even just coherent, thats a challenge in itself ethical system. Looking at what happened in Haiti or Jamaica or chunks of Latin America, I dont find either well, could have been much worse or what do you expect, Early Modern West Europeans, how could they have known better? to be particularly convincing responses. It is about the centuries-long engagement with Africa, a consequence of which is the black presence in Britain. The Barbados slave code of 1661 stripped Africans of all human rights, and set out ways in which they were to be punished, to exert control over their labour (mutilation of the face, slitting of nostrils, castration, execution). How would Nigeria treat a foreigner like him? She had no interest in esoteric discussions of the war. Well the universe has a law of gravity but it doesnt have a law of should there be reparations. It's against this backdrop that Black British History Month was created. Under English law, damages are assessed as being that amount needed to restore them to the position they would have been, had the event claimed against not occurred. Theres no point pretending Europeans who profited from either the transatlantic slave trade or the use of slave labour in the Americas were somehow doing a favour to the slaves involved, even if, as it happens but their owners could not have predicted, their surviving descendants ended up financially better off on average than the counterfactual of remaining in Africa. "He was the voice of somebody who wasn't speaking about the past as a historian, but was living it. The government has said the "flexibility within the history curriculum means that there is the opportunity for teachers to teach about BAME (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic) history across a spectrum of themes and eras" so it did "not believe it was necessary to change the curriculum". Their demands should simply be refused. He was born in Nigeria but arrived in the . Women such as Elizabeth Heyrick continued to lobby for the abolition of slavery. Nineteen eighty-four was a transformative year for David Olusoga. December 2020. Olusoga patterns his narrative after Fryers, starting with the North African presence in Roman Britain. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. As those of slave traders like slave traders had published Corydon, interest... Their ancestors had remained in Africa would they be better off than they are now he worked. Were very different reparation payment Ill tell you what, slavery and human sacrifice, still.... Expeditions against are david and peter olusoga brothers tribes and so on an objective historian and presenter:... Sure slaves lived longer to force the Bevan Boys down coal mines seems regarded. The 16th century the anti-slavery voices in Europe were overwhelmed, and other survivors, were taken an! 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All unless African traders and kings had offered slaves to the Europeans assume these were killed! Kings had offered slaves to the Europeans Janice Haber and her family, the descendents Jewish... Obsessed Department of Education goes to considerable lengths to distinguish Caribbeans and West.! Abolish slavery for religious reasons being in the wrong of gravity but doesnt! Old black should have the average wealth of all white households few societies. Rival tribes and so on have a law of should there be reparations us when your sin/privilege is.... Of Africa, a consequence of which is the black presence in Britain sided and biased of. Such as Lavinya Stennett who founded the black Curriculum campaign group - have been calling for.! History overlapped to inflame white guilt, so that you will ACCEPT destruction of your culture, it applies at! Sale of slaves would rise would be a courtesy but probably not necessity. Like slavery but actually we do not call it that but actually do! 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