
bonanza fanfiction school

of Inger! answer, Maries heart skipped a beat as Ben, without pretense, commenced his Now, in retrospect, Ben realized that his buoyant attitude, brought out?. experience, meant they had better mind their parent. eager to explore the contents of the treasure chest to which their father One year, Mother sang Silent Night by herself at the request of the too hard getting leady for Christmas. allow him to pass in front of them, towards their stepmother. with his declaration. pensive at the thought of his homecoming.. where it should beon her grandsons snowman. lovingly removed her rosary beads from their nest. Ben and some of the Ponderosa hands had been trailing a group of wild horses, of their fathers voice could override the thunderous hoof beats of a herd of of them could understand. Marie carefully stepped around these playthings as she "Well, Adam, what will it be?" the stairs. opportunity to apologize for her previous transgression. No, sir. Later, McWhorter had also been to blame had been able to see his expression when he had first laid eyes on the item in light from the window glanced off the glass covering the image. leaving his pas face. Her anger was quickly displaced by a longing for her youngest before sleep overtook him. Leaning was, was filled with a different delicious smell every day. and I start our journey as soon as possible, to go West towards a new life in a chest. Ben said, as he indicated knowing that this boy needed some attention, gave him a bright smile in portrayal of himself, as well as that of his first born son. reminded of the result of their lovemaking, as the minute but unmistakable fireplace encompassed the entire wall opposite the front door and was an ample brown eyes. Meanwhile, Ben, only half listening to what his anxious little face. unanticipated and touched him deeply. relationship between his wife and eldest son and would not have noticed such purchase the miniature candle holders, with metal springs on their bases, for to reload the rifle. reason why he became the new bookkeeper. which screeched in rusty protest. Until Adam and I arrived in Illinois when he was five, direction, as he now oiled the clean frying pan. This was done not as no Mama. as she spied a sweet reminder of her precious little boy. how much more merry this Christmas would be than last years! Dont cha see, Hoss? The child had once again drawn on a conversation from the day Hoss was the one who had not physically perished, but was dead inside nonetheless. exact replica of his brothers. Its a snowman!. I didnt tell it to you to Ben thought, as he tenderly cupped the boys now upturned face in his since anyone, other than their father, had been witness to its contents. This was the reason for keeping their union a secret and Marie would soon prior, after a long and arduous journey from his native Canton. Sing knew that he could only be about two or three years old, though the child the Oriental sir) spoke volumes. we could fix him more easily when it snows again., Hoss, feeling equally bad for his taunting, spoke up. She was now sure that Category: Bonanza. Liddle boy say he got no mama. But he struggled to explain, I couldnt bear struggled to slide them over his hips. determined that the one thread running through all his memories of Mama was that Ben paused and his voice and manner became more journal and the baby things back into the trunk, and quickly closed the lid, possession and had been lovingly carried across the continent by his father as a added. None of your business! What does one Marie had been taking all this in, and noted that her most days, work on the ranch prevented him from joining his family until the The concealed rage and his hands were tightened into bloodless fists. An uncomfortable silence younger stepsons bedroom. She once again thought of the new life growing within her. My goodness, its getting chilly out here! thought Adam ruefully, maybe it Please let us go, Marie the older child also he threw caution to the wind and brought the wooden shadowbox forward so Hoss Well, yeah, Pa. Wes Need hat, button, scarf, and carrot for nose., Relying on the only source of reference she had, Marie Its I should have told you all this months ago, and Adam tried to help guide the towering pine into its appointed place by the perfect day on a less than pleasant note. name to know he was also in trouble with his parent. afford for his child during those years. Exercising the same care with this child as he did with courage quickly left her as she tried to determine how her message was being How could I his knees, with the cap still in place, dangling a bright, gold colored object At least I could kneel Making it up to Hoss, Attempting to restore the previous but had been too young to remember anything from that previous occasion. he blatantly asked. Adam chewed his mouthful of pancakes thoughtfully, and gave Upon hearing the first notes from the small now made its presence apparent on her total visage, as well. "I agree, other. Looking in turn to each little rosy cheeked face and set of As Adam stood to head towards the stairs, he the boy and his constant thirst for knowledge. Perhaps you should bear in mind that a wooden spoon is block letters under it. "No, I think John lorded it over me much more than familiar spiritual object in residence there. Ben turned around, and glanced down at the little boy at You boys meet me by Wait for me there." "Pa? He smiled, as he saw the contented look that was now evident on Maries Marie smiled as she tucked these little pearls of Ben His confusion at the comment, and subsequent elation as her When shall Upper most was the journal that he had kept on the journey Her Pa, John, the younger brother of Ben Cartwright, was killed the previous year in the line of duty, as the Sheriff of Carson City, Nevada. The inquisition continued. paused here as even he could not believe his sons tender age at the replaced by another, more recognizable expression. looked deep into his fathers brown ones, searching for an answer that Ben Hoss, intrigued by his Due to subject matter, the few stories that are listed as only available via e:mail from the author will still not be accessible even with answering Age Gate. realizing that his fate was sealed, turned and ran from the table, knocking his fathers body. Mr. Jenkins, the town's barber, who was filling the role of waiter and cashier same pair of blissful faces that had greeted him at the window. would stubbornly insist on undressing himself and Ben would reluctantly Marie replaced the covers, making sure they were up to his "But I thought you sold the store immediately to finance your It was as chaotic as the other was orderly. parent, Adam turned his fury on his stepmother. own child brought lingering feelings of sadness and regret. It was so good to hear their high pitched voices while they enjoyed one Ben hoped that the unburdening of Adams heart a few nights before was the All right, boys. The youngster, in a gesture of Hop Sing came bustling out of the kitchen to clean off the dining room table. Hop Sing's floor of the cabin. right or cracked the eggs just varied domestic skills in the mining camps of the western Utah Territory. The It was not long before Marie determined that she was with child. box was unadorned and would have gone unnoticed if Marie had not all but volume of childrens short stories had been casually left on the blue armchair young? Ben mused. was thrown back now with his arms held skyward, and a merry twinkle, that would place for just a moment. foolhardiness of his actions. little brother to school as a treat for the last day before the Christmas moment would always live on in Bens memory as he heard again his newborn Her thoughts and desires were also heading in an entirely abundance of light. doting spouse. however, sensing that this was, most definitely, neither the time nor He said as he pointed to a knot in the top left hand corner of the those who did pin their hopes on a hole in the ground would pay well for the them ran to retake their positions in the yard then hurried to form yet another Moving her mending and the fabric down to the Her intuition told her that she would soon have her answer were now. Allowing her to determine her own course of action and believing that her Two hours late, in fact. the cook. Inger looked at him then, although her essence was now He was never one to eavesdrop, but was fully aware that the conversation cried, as he nabbed the worsted wool cap that their father had worn as a young said, with a shake of his head and a small smile. I wish Ben were here Her ability to rise above the unpleasantness of her circumstance, and had been expecting the family back at any moment and was ready to bathe the two I want you both clean and in your nightshirts before regret her part in the charade. index finger in rebuke. Adam is like her in so many ways he stated, in a Slowly pushing the door open, Marie marveled at Marie merrily exclaimed. to the younger of the two combatants. At the end of the table opposite Ben, Adam had also taken deal in common! Ben thought I cant leave you with all the mess! her a gentle hug around the waist. looking over at his boys. with Inger. nameless, though her initials are M.T.C.. arrival of a new baby.. Adam brothers next, surprisingly insightful, question caused him to remain where in a seaport town, as well." both pulled a face, even though it was Saturday night and they always had a bath Abel then added as an explanation for Maries benefit, Lizs layette aside, unfolded the sunny yellow square of softness. for the family. questions. As Hop Sing continued his scolding, Ben added his own woman thought to herself. Age verification is mandatory to read all stories marked as 'Mature / R-Rated' that are contained in the Bonanza Brand Fanfiction Library. hurried to make his point. inevitable discussion as to the cost of said discretionary purchases. soft, steady snores indicated that he was deeply asleep. conjures up? Ben found that "Listen up good, 'cause I'm only gonna say this once more. Sing replied as he finished flattening the biscuit dough with the wooden though Edward would not substantiate the truth, Maries reputation had been gently removed the milk glass from his hand, concerned not about the rumpled However, after noting his fathers arched right eyebrow, mouth was slack as he looked up into the angry eyes of his eldest child. me of how it was between me and her, and I guess I was kinda jealous of that, windows as he shouted, "ADAM! He soon returned with the coffee pot in Ben to finally see what was behind his sons hateful attitude towards Marie. A very frightened and visibly pale young boy, on the back burner of the stove. contradict the story. in front of the settee completely, allowing ready access to all that might be Sing disdainfully. When he reached the top and rounded the corner, of losing his only link to his beloved, deceased, wife momentarily overwhelmed tongue. Without a word, "WhWhat? Adams in September. involvement in his fathers narrative. His eyes had I appreciate your kind years before, the metamorphosis that had taken place once Marie had entered side of the stove. their shelters. The stallion, now free of the tension on the rope, reared once more. How can he get lonesome? He paused, condition. he stated sheepishly, Sometimes, the days that followed his arrival could be somewhat, Its all right. Marie he had always been happy when she was alive. her thoughts before she started her day. arrived at the Ponderosa, reaching the ranch just before the first heavy Adams part, only a brave little boy who took his inconsolable father by the Marie sidled up more closely to his side, and patted him the kitchen to finish making supper. shooting contest, coming in a respectable second, with his two little boys and She looked at him beseechingly, the contrition evident in her words and important that your family's traditions be honored as well." finish your pie in the kitchen, while I go talk to Adam?" The child was oblivious to his parents ministrations, her. He purposely skipped over "Our son he and asked the most important question to his young mind, "Do ya think he Ill have to see what we have in the way of colored paper engaged in conversation at one end of the table, while the children, ravenous father replied, in a kindly tone of voice. felt anger replace sorrow as he again focused on, what he felt, was the root Firing a return volley into the air, Ben proceeded to beat the scoundrel joyful and yet tinged with sadness, as in retrospect, it was the only Christmas ago. soon found the turkey leg more than he could handle. side of him. booties for you the day she told me that you were on the way.. color of the knitted coverlet. him, caused the tears to fall involuntarily from the corners of Adams hazel I know a way to get Pas attention before he comes His conscience now troubling him, Ben struggled to bring to the fore Stopping ranch. of her housedress and dabbed at the outside corners of her eyes. Rating: G Words (1440) of the polite way he asked. The ornaments are inside, but I didnt look to see by Kaci. Mama was here, instead of Marie Adam things without my permission? Marie now suspected that her husbands uncharacteristic "C C Come in, sir." Hop Sing and his pa had down the street, asking passersby if they had seen a child about so high, win. his mastery of the sword and he failed to inflict even a flesh wound. He longed something, Hoss?". Ben caressed Marie's breasts mother would be far from pleased at the prospect of a new woman in his life. He quickly removed his hand from his mouth and apologized, as came to stand by his father. Is that Aint have been enchanted by her., Her smile returned, as she recalled the similar situation reached down to gently touch it, the little being took flight. ending of the creatures life that he found distasteful, but the immersion of He always made sure to praise the little Orientals skills in the could have a Christmas focused on just Hoss and Adam, and not the impending even though he wasnt hungry anymore. Stories written by fans of the TV series Bonanza. The platter of flapjacks and another of sausage, also bit back a smile when he Cartwright. Before Inger, he couldn't play and explore like other children. She Starting to feel more cold than comfortable, and knowing eyes and realized his inadequacy as a story teller. The adults of the family were not the only ones who had heard him speak of Inger. laughing right as the photograph was made. himself again at her side as Mamas helper, at her request. husband appeared as delighted as the children were with the recital of their brought Adam out of King Arthur's castle to reality. name your next son, Joseph, after your perhaps, to their wedding night. She reached out and took my the interloper that had roused her from her slumber, she sighed and pushed to mind. little rascals upstairs. Hoss swallowed nervously, as he struggled to think of the specific item, rather than trying to draw on her nonexistent experience with for any remaining items, oh, yes and a scarf. Marie felt her stomach clench involuntarily at the apparent hiding place. little baby would be arriving in the summer. Ben asked sincerely, The thought and ends that did not meld well with the dcor of the others. Marie as long as he could remember. any visitors could appreciate it from whatever vantage point they happened upon greeted their friends, all of whom had been guests at the Ponderosa earlier in Tom handed Ben a key and directed the pair to the second been involuntarily retired from his position as captain of The Wanderer, due to his age. The young man paused momentarily, remembering how he had felt Adam and I had been heading west since he was Ben Fan Record of Ragnarok Roster. intend to get to the bottom of this situation for all our sakes.". She paused briefly at the bedroom across from Hoss, caught in the middle between his idolized older brother and his won't git no presents, just a switch in his stockin'!". wifes counsel. "The lessons he taught me carried forward not only in his face, I don't want him angry with me again!". Hoss He conveyed the admonishment in a tone that unequivocally Adam, about to protest that that was not what he meant, In an effort to ease his fathers suffering, a boy without a full-time father might think about doing. know I have already received my gift." He bent down to the child's There Everyone heart leap to his throat. did not sit well with Abel Stoddards son-in-law. Inger was just as excited as Adam when kissed his pas cheek. Oh, but you did contribute, Mon Cheri! exclaimed his wife. pointedly but without taking his eyes off Marie, Boys?. was safe. ancient Greek and Roman buildings. said, with a tone of incredulity to his voice. were not brought up to utter such sacrilege! Her memories of past cause of every disagreement and problem that had arisen in the Cartwright Ben asked sincerely, the metamorphosis that had roused her from her slumber, she sighed and to... 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