
the octoroon quotes

Good morning, Colonel. Yes, sir; they were the free papers of the girl Zoe; but they were in my husband's secretary. Ho! Dora said you were slow; if she could hear you now---. Sunny. Tableaux.*. Zoe, tell Pete to give my mare a feed, will ye? if dey aint all lighted, like coons, on dat snake fence, just out of shot. But for Heaven's sake go---here comes the crowd. George goes to Dora and begins to propose to her; while he is doing so, however, he has a change of heart and decides not to lie to her. Frank Capra, If you wish to achieve worthwhile things in your personal and career life, you must become a worthwhile person in your own self-development. Ask him, I want to know; don't say I told you to inquire, but find out. What more d'ye want---ain't that proof enough? M'Closky. [Points with knife off,R.] D'ye see that tree?---it's called a live oak, and is a native here; beside it grows a creeper; year after year that creeper twines its long arms round and round the tree---sucking the earth dry all about its roots---living on its life---overrunning its branches, until at last the live oak withers and dies out. Dem debils. Scud. Go it, if you're a mind to. Denora Boone, Everybody who went to Vietnam carries his or her own version of the war. What say ye, gentlemen? You! [R. C.] That's my son---buy him, Mas'r Ratts; he's sure to sarve you well. Now, my culled brethren, gird up your lines, and listen---hold on yer bref---it's a comin. [Going.]. Stop! Scud. My love! Dora, I once made you weep; those were the only tears I caused any body. The Octoroon's Sacrifice (1912) Quotes It looks like we don't have any Quotes for this title yet. Peyton.] What's this? Well, that has come out clear, ain't it? I will! The auctioneer arrives, along with prospective buyers, McClosky among them. McClosky has proved that Judge Peyton did not succeed in legally freeing her, as he had meant to do. laws a massey! Hugh vieu. The apparatus can't mistake. Mr. Scudder, I've listened to a great many of your insinuations, and now I'd like to come to an understanding what they mean. Two hundred and forty-nine times! that'll save her. Judy Collins, You know there was always a confusion that punk was a style of music." Paul. Boucicault The Octoroon Quotes & Sayings. Liverpool post mark. [*Exit*Dora,L.U.E.] What on earth does that child mean or want? drop dat banana! Boucicault adapted the play from the novel The Quadroon by Thomas Mayne Reid (1856). what are you blowing about like a steamboat with one wheel for? Why you tremble so? I'm broke, Solon---I can't stop the Judge. my dear, dear father! Don't say that, ma'am; don't say that to a man that loves another gal. two forms! Scud. [Outside,R.U.E.] Dis way---dis way. she would revolt from it, as all but you would; and if I consented to hear the cries of my heart, if I did not crush out my infant love, what would she say to the poor girl on whom she had bestowed so much? Zoe. what are you doing there, you young varmint! [Re-enters from boat.] Pete. I'm gwine! George, dear George, do you love me? have I fixed ye? Who is it? Copyright 2023 Famous Quotes & Sayings. Zoe. Hold on, George Peyton---stand back. "No. Zoe. if I stop here, I shall hug her right off. What am goin' to cum ob us! Paul. 'Tain't no faint---she's a dying, sa; she got pison from old Dido here, this mornin'. No, ma'am, I worked like an ass---an honest one, and that's all. One of them is prepared with a self-developing liquid that I've invented. [Smiling.] I guess he ain't left home yet, Colonel. Why don't he speak?---I mean, you feared I might not give you credit for sincere and pure feelings. Happy to read and share the best inspirational Boucicault The Octoroon quotes, sayings and quotations on Wise Famous Quotes. Scud. George. twit him on his silence and abstraction---I'm sure it's plain enough, for he has not spoken two words to me all the day; then joke round the subject, and at last speak out. Mrs. P.I expect an important letter from Liverpool; away with you, Paul; bring the mail-bags here. You called it yourself; you wanted to make us murder that Injiun; and since we've got our hands in for justice, we'll try it on you. Is de folks head bad? Sunny. Well, then, what has my all-cowardly heart got to skeer me so for? [Throws down apron.] DORA played by a white actress or an actress who can pass as white. I shall endeavor not to be jealous of the past; perhaps I have no right to be. Ah! for, darn me, if I can find out. Why, Minnie, why don't you run when you hear, you lazy crittur? Paul. George. Why not! M'Closky. What! "Ma'am, your nose drawed it. The Wharf---goods, boxes, and bales scattered about---a camera on stand, R. Scudder, R., Dora, L., George*andPauldiscovered;Dorabeing photographed byScudder,who is arranging photographic apparatus,GeorgeandPaullooking on at back.*. Hello! Salem's looking a kinder hollowed out. Come here quite; now quite. you're looking well. Dido. Top, sar! Is the prisoner guilty, or is he not guilty? Dora. I'll put the naughty parts in French. Good day, Mr. Thibodeaux---shall we drive down that way? Paul. Zoe, bring here the judge's old desk; it is in the library. there it comes---it comes---don't you hear a footstep on the dry leaves? If you would pardon the abruptness of the question, I would ask you, Do you think the sincere devotion of my life to make yours happy would succeed? Hooraw! Unlock this Study Guide! George. George says he can "overcome the obstacle" (43), but Zoe protests that they cannot be together. I also feel that demonstrations wouldn't go on unless there is a TV camera. 4, the Octoroon girl, Zoe.". Come, form a court then, choose a jury---we'll fix this varmin. Hold on! What's come ob de child? Between us we've ruined these Peytons; you fired the judge, and I finished off the widow. Scud. 3, Pete, a house servant. The New York Times noted 'its striking merits as a sensational drama' Zoe, he's going; I want him to stay and make love to me that's what I came for to-day. Where am I to get it? she look as though she war gwine to have a tooth drawed! Zoe. The world, Zoe, the free struggle of minds and hands, if before me; the education bestowed on me by my dear uncle is a noble heritage which no sheriff can seize; with that I can build up a fortune, spread a roof over the heads I love, and place before them the food I have earned; I will work---. Then I will go to the Acme or Keating's or the Big Gold Bar and sit down and draw my cards and fill an inside straight and win myself a thousand dollars. [Solon goes down and stands behind Ratts.] Important Quotes. George. Point. Cut, cut the rope---I choke---choke!---Ah! I wish they could sell me! Hello, Pete, I never heard of that affair. When Dion Boucicault's tragedy The Octoroon (set on a southern plantation) opened in December of 1859, many viewed the play as sectional propaganda; there was widespread disagreement, however, concerning the side for which the play argued. He can fight though he's a painter; claws all over. A Room in Mrs. Peyton's house; entrances,R.U.E.*andL.U.E.---An Auction Bill stuck up,*L.---chairs,C.,*and tables,*R. and L. Pete. Hello! If she could not accept me, who could? Why, because I love Zoe, too, and I couldn't take that young feller from her; and she's jist living on the sight of him, as I saw her do; and they so happy in spite of this yer misery around them, and they reproachin' themselves with not feeling as they ought. Ya! Zoe. I thank Heaven you have not lived to see this day. yonder goes the Indian! Beat that any of ye. The buyers gather to take away the slaves they have purchased on a steamship. . It ain't necessary for me to dilate, describe, or enumerate; Terrebonne is known to you as one of the richest bits of sile in Louisiana, and its condition reflects credit on them as had to keep it. Scud. Subject to your life interest and an annuity to Zoe, is it not so? Zoe, will you remain here? Jackson. With your New England hypocrisy, you would persuade yourself it was this family alone you cared for; it ain't---you know it ain't---'tis the "Octoroon;" and you love her as I do; and you hate me because I'm your rival---that's where the tears come from, Salem Scudder, if you ever shed any---that's where the shoe pinches. In some form, human, or wild beast, or ghost, it has tracked me through the night. Wal, as it consarns you, perhaps you better had. Remember, your attitude toward a situation can help you to change it you create the very atmosphere for defeat or victory. *], [Light fires.---Draw flats and discoverPaul'sgrave.---M'Closky*dead on top of it.---Wahnoteestanding triumphantly over him.*]. Pete. I'll see to that. he's coming this way, fighting with his Injiun. Dora. [Looks through camera] O, golly! Alas! M'Closky. Jackson. The devil I am! M'Closky. Letters! Dora. Hole yer tongue, Dido. Where's that man from Mobile that wanted to give one hundred and eighty thousand? [Laughing.] Squire Sunnyside is going to sell this at fifty thousand advance to-morrow.---[Looks round.] He wanted to know what furniture she had in her bedroom, the dresses she wore, the people she knew; even his physical desire for her gave way to a deeper yearning, a boundless, aching curiosity. [Inside room.] Excuse me; one of the principal mortgagees has made the demand. We'll hire out our slaves, and live on their wages. he must not see me. Your eyes are red. Mr. George is in love with Zoe. Jackson. Go on, Colonel---Colonel Pointdexter, ma'am---the mortgagee, auctioneer, and general agent. Scud. Brightness will return amongst you. George, George, your words take away my breath! All. Go now, George---leave me---take her with you. Debbel's in de pail! Will she gladly see you wedded to the child of her husband's slave? Zoe. I'm on you like a painter, and when I'm drawed out I'm pizin. Cora, educated in Britain, returns to her fathers plantation in Louisiana to explore the truth about her mother's. Zoe, explain yourself---your language fills me with shapeless fears. Dam dat Injiun! [Shows plate to jury.] Then I will go to a parlor house and have them top up a bathtub with French champagne and I will strip and dive into it with a bare-assed blonde and a redhead and an octoroon and the four of us will get completely presoginated and laugh and let long bubbly farts at hell and baptize each other in the name of the Trick, the Prick, and the Piper-Heidsick. [Wakes.] [Slowly lowering his whip,] Darn you, red skin, I'll pay you off some day, both of ye. Zoe, you are young; your mirror must have told you that you are beautiful. Scud. A mistake, sar---forty-six. Point. M'Closky. Where is he? Yes, we do, ma'am; it's in a darned bad condition. We got the horses saddled, and galloped down the shell road over the Piney Patch; then coasting the Bayou Lake, we crossed the long swamps, by Paul's Path, and so came home again. See Injiun; look dar [shows him plate], see dat innocent: look, dar's de murderer of poor Paul. Paul. "No. I heard voices. Dat's me---yer, I'm comin'---stand around dar. "The free papers of my daughter, Zoe, registered February 4th, 1841." [Sits,R. C.]. Twelve thousand. Ratts. Zoe. O, why did he speak to me at all then? ], M'Closky. Mrs. P.O, sir, I don't value the place for its price, but for the many happy days I've spent here; that landscape, flat and uninteresting though it may be, is full of charm for me; those poor people, born around me, growing up about my heart, have bounded my view of life; and now to lose that homely scene, lose their black, ungainly faces; O, sir, perhaps you should be as old as I am, to feel as I do, when my past life is torn away from me. Paul. Yes---when I saw him and Miss Zoe galloping through the green sugar crop, and doing ten dollars' worth of damage at every stride, says I, how like his old uncle he do make the dirt fly. Here, stay! Boucicault's manuscript actually reads "Indian, French and 'Merican." Aunty, there is sickness up at the house; I have been up all night beside one who suffers, and I remembered that when I had the fever you gave me a drink, a bitter drink, that made me sleep---do you remember it? I say, I'd like to say summit soft to the old woman; perhaps it wouldn't go well, would it? [Re-entering.] ], Scud. Zoe. I thought I heard the sound of a paddle in the water. Never, aunt! Hello! You heard him say it was hopeless. Jackson. [Makes sign thatPaulwas killed by a blow on the head.]. Why don't he return to his nation out West? Stay, Mr. Peyton; Zoe, a word! You can protect me from that man---do let me die without pain. Scud. [Zoe sings without,L.]. Lafouche. Sunny. Dido. Coventry Patmore, if a man has no stability when you meet him, you may want to stay clear of him. If you haven't spoiled her, I fear I have. Let me hide them till I teach my heart. Point. To-morrow they'll bloom the same---all will be here as now, and I shall be cold. [Draws pistol---M'Closky*rushes on and falls atScudder'sfeet.*]. [*To*Ratts.] But out it flew, free for everybody or anybody to beg, borrow, or steal. You'll take care, I guess, it don't go too cheap. You'se a dead man, Mas'r Clusky---you got to b'lieve dat. *] Whenever I gets into company like yours, I always start with the advantage on my side. No, the love I speak of is not such as you suppose,---it is a passion that has grown up here since I arrived; but it is a hopeless, mad, wild feeling, that must perish. Pete. When I am dead she will not be jealous of your love for me, no laws will stand between us. dat right! No---no. darn his carcass! 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