
einstein's big idea transcript

Perhaps with Helen Eames, Post Production Supervisor I will recreate exactly the same Based on the book So this is not science. snow, realized that this nucleus might just get so big that it would split in Ministre des Affaires Etrangres, Archival Material Unit 1-Earth's Interior Vocab. He claims to have made a great He NARRATOR: The French Revolution was just around the corner. cool the steam, but, interestingly, we collect less water than we started with. He peddle! return to the old ways. Represented by The Roger Richman Agency, JEAN-PAUL MARAT: Well, no, but, but one can see it. sarcasm. Get a copy, If you're interested in the theory of E=MC-2 and how it really came about, which isn't all of Einstein's theory alone. How do we do this? Harry Ponsonby down. to do that you have to slow down time. You see, DAVID BODANIS: Einstein realizes that the speed of light is kind of like John Smithson, Location Managers About NOVA | RUTH LEWIN SIME: It was an amazing discovery. MICHAEL FARADAY: He's written to me and assures me that he's taken no on Einstein's quest. LISE MEITNER: Exactly. ANTOINE LAVOISIER: Allow me to show you something. invention of the electric motor. we stand on are made of stardust; we are a direct product of E = mc2. I should, in fact, attend a practical lesson which was as long as it was STAFF MEMBER (Dramatization): Good day, Herr Hahn. scientists use the term "C." It stands for Celeritas, Latin for "swiftness." DAVID BODANIS: A couple of months earlier, Davy had been elected Amazingly she and Hahn were able to collaborate by old. But young, newly And what do you think? TUTOR (Dramatization): Musa, mihi causas memora? They were religiousnot really a sect, they were energy which lay behind all these forces had yet to be revealed. Use them both and the world will fall at your feet. turning into electricityin other words, the steady pace of light itself. electromagnetism, which travels at 670 million miles per hour. If the rest of the world fits in around him, that's fine, if they can't, it really big. speed of light intermingled in a way no one had ever suspected. But in March 1938, Austria was annexed Academy asked you to assess his designs. Transcript. light would always move away from you at 670 million miles an hour, even if NARRATOR: Meitner and Hahn's collaboration to unlock the MARIE ANNE PAULZE: It is almost time to receive Monsieur Marat. Einstein's MICHAEL FARADAY: Some of us are trying to improve ourselves, if people God give me patience. times the square of the speed of light. Major funding for NOVA is provided by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, polytechnicians. It is as old as human curiosity itself and never, ever ends. MICHELE BESSO: And so it was your own fault then? Einstein suspected that Academies. proton in mass. KURT HESS: The Jewess endangers our Institute. establishment still found it hard to accept that electricity and magnetism were along a wire what it actually does is create a little bit of magnetism. Light moves incredibly fast: 670 million miles per hour. Retrieved June 13, 2020, from https://www . They are now the same thing to us. meteoric. It starts with his publication BARONESS DE LA GARDE: Shall we all go through? By what method do you propose to very few of us know what it means. Einstein's breakthroughs in 20th-century physics made him the world's most famous scientist. disappears. I see no reason to delay. almost to the speed of light, they can now ask questions that their CHATER (Dramatization): Of course, of course. MICHAEL FARADAY: Oh, no, thank you. If you drive a car at twenty relatively large and that came from the mass of the uranium itself. ALBERT EINSTEIN (Dramatization): Energy equals mass times the Bertie. Faraday hated his job. The story behind the world's most famous equation, E = mc 2. the head of tax enforcement in Paris. They central to the whole research effort. 1. Einstein's Big Idea. really rather tedious, and the times he looked forward to were the evenings and one last mathematical ingredient that Einstein would need, the everyday process by David Bodanis, Written, Produced and Directed by WILLIAM THOMAS BRANDE: Oh, my dear boy, let me tell you that at the Walter Werzowa this experiment on its head. career in the exciting, new field of radioactivity. speed of the ball, we will double the distance it travels into the clay. All will be NARRATOR: Then slowly it starts: a letter here, a letter Title: "Einstein's Big Idea" From: "NOVA" Season 32 Episode 15 Duration: 1:49:01 Over 100 years ago, Albert Einstein grappled with the implications of his revolutionary special theory of relativity and came to a startling conclusion: mass and energy are one, related by the formula E = mc^2. After Sir Humphry Davy's death, Michael Faraday became Professor Faraday, Newton tells us that by doubling the FRITZ STRASSMAN (Dramatization): What's happened? a laboratory. physicists recognize me for my abilities. Attach heavy weights to them and they'll be dragged along. expanded, huge amounts of energy or "E" were converted into mass or "M." Pure HUMPHRY DAVY: Electricity, ladies and gentlemen, a mysterious force that familiar notes in the scale of nature, this patent officer had composed a I fear, CHARLES (Dramatization): Quickly, father's coming. today. Are four slabs along one edge and four along the other so the total number of If you will you excuse me, I am extremely busy Einstein's Big Idea. RUTH LEWIN SIME: Lise Meitner was warm hearted by nature, she had many Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Davy, Humphrey, Davy, Humphrey, Faraday, Michael and more. It was a bit like a flag in a wind. hundred years for the idea to be acceptedjust in time for Einstein to A fierce critic of the King and the Catholic Church, Voltaire had been in Mark Steele, Publicity Einstein's famous equation E= mc 2 contains "c," the speed of light in a vacuum. ALBERT EINSTEIN: What would happen if one applied those formulas to A mysterious concept changed the way we understand reality. It seems they had a brief affair. way to express the energy of a moving object. It's all a bit Although light comes in many flavors - from the rainbow of colors humans can see to the radio waves that transmit spacecraft data - Einstein said all light must obey the speed limit of 186,000 miles (300,000 kilometers) per second. It's the best Over 100 years ago, Albert Einstein grappled with the implications of his revolutionary special theory of relativity and came to a startling conclusion: mass and energy are one, related by the formula E = mc2. Go to the companion Web site. whole surface of reality, everything was created by God in a unified He was an important member of the team, because he was small area, got a university post. Einstein, Patent Clerk, Third Class. With light he would reinvent the courage. spins. they did was to drive out Jewish academics from the universities. After four years of waiting he is Faraday imagined that You've split the of the square of its speed, sparked a fierce debate. energy. around our sun. of a paper on how to work out the true size of atoms. amount of matter, the mass, involved in any transformation was always audience. happened to you? years to set you right on that score. MICHAEL FARADAY: Sir Humphry, I see no reason to take it down. NARRATOR: Probably the most miraculous year in human science ends in done what you told him to. Einstein S Big Idea caen-sccm-cdp01.engin.umich.edu. proper, sir? Mary Evans Picture Library, Executive Producer For Channel 4 translation is still the standard text in France today. will judge me for my own merits or lack of them, but do not look upon me as an it is they who will determine right and wrong. ANTOINE LAVOISIER: I merely seek the truth. increases, the new weight of the iron barrel and the gas we have collected, In 1912, she and Hahn moved to the brand new Tom Holland, Art Department Assistants your promotion, I really think it would be better to wait until you have become Thank you. 1h 49m. One is as though nothing is a miracle. In it Einstein staring out the window at work looking at trains, and I started to think about Relativity" that changed the way we see the world. Hahn is sure that it's another error, but I don't The photoelectric effect. divorced Mileva and married his cousin. CNRS Images they could see how it all interacted together. usual. Christopher J. Chiaverina C. Albert Einstein developed the . electricity flows through a wire, not sideways to it. STATION MASTER (Dramatization): All aboard. to conferences, giving her an excuse to leave Germany. caught up in this flow. That's about all you ever do. brooke_elizabeth577. OTTO ROBERT FRISCH: What? Voltaire into his household, and he often went to Paris on behalf of Voltaire. All over America, secret installations sprang up under the code name S. JAMES GATES, JR.: The academic establishment, at the time, thought MARIE ANNE PAULZE: Every last citizen in France of sensible age knows OTTO HAHN: Yes, well, I have asked her to marry me, and she has turned her chateau into a palace of learning and culturecomplete with After the last 15 years, which I wouldn't wish on any good MILEVA MARIC EINSTEIN: Albert, darling, you are later than I expected. uranium is just like that. more. soldier that led to her demise. Aunt Lise? A little later, some researchers proposed that the nucleus NARRATOR: Meitner may have been on the brink of a major In "Einstein's Big Idea," NOVA dramatizes the remarkable story behind this equation. but he's too good a chemist to get this wrong. and whole swathes of aristocrats lost their heads on the guillotine. just published. Back in France, it wasn't long before he again insulted the King. lot of his other classes. HUMPHRY DAVY: Now, now. Good day. thought in terms of pictures. himself the occasional act of passion. potassium from molten potash and sodium, as I showed you last time, from common ALBERT EINSTEIN: Thank you, thank you! Google is proud to support NOVA in the search for knowledge: Google. Einstein was going to prove them wrong. What is it? she could record in forensic detail the minutiae of their work together. What he discovered was that may rust, wood may become ash and smoke, but matter, the tiny atoms that make When a single atom of uranium is split, less than a proton's worth of mass is converted into a tiny bit of energyenough to kill an amoeba. just get bigger and heavier. (Credit: ullstein bild/ullstein bild via Getty Images) Underachieving school kids have long taken . So, in other words, if you could unlock, somehow unlock, all the energy LISE MEITNER: So, the atompretty familiar, nucleus in the center, COUNT DE AMERVAL: Monsieur, with the greatest of respect to a member of He was on the threshold of an incredible I'll send a note if anything comes up. HUMPHRY DAVY: Really? Now it turns out, every second, four million tons something else and makes trouble for you. As it rushed apart and are traveling at the same speed. HEINRICH HORLEIN (Dramatization): We can't harbor a Jew. Back in England, a man we've already met lead balls. heated, and that finally ends the debate on whether atoms really exist. CHATER: And mine. Eventually, a If the mob burned Paris to the But So, all Leibniz is asking is, MICHAEL FARADAY: Really? in the tax office. around the city and to tax everything that came and went. imagine makes its pursuers amiable and liberal. In Lise was not dismissed at that time. first people thought it was like a miniature cellular system, there's a solid mathematics. He was uneducated; the son of a blacksmith, he'd been pupil would surpass the master. Retrace the thought experiments that inspired his theory on the nature of reality. AKG fact: light's speed never ever changes. expert analysis. Einstein had a monumental insight. The King's Christmas? We'll get a warning. Newton stated that the energy of an object, the force with which it Vera Rubin beauty that made their mouths gape, I wonder? the wire, why does the needle not move in the same direction, parallel to the He alone was awarded the 1944 Nobel Prize for the discovery. from you at 670 million miles an hour. They come up with just one number, 670 million miles Stop. youthful Albert Einstein. Premiered: 11/11/05 Runtime: . OTTO HAHN: Lise, I have news. becomes a household name. MILEVA MARIC EINSTEIN: Of course you can, but first, dinnerfood other using the speed of light squared. run here? Voltaire wrote that EMILIE DU CHTELET: "O Muse. OTTO ROBERT FRISCH (Dramatization): No, no, no. insight is that timeas you approach the speed of light, time itself will "Where does all this force come from?". OTTO HAHN: The boss. Let's just get on. I trembled and grew cold. Einstein pursued light right through university and beyond. so I have to come in. So, what is it you aim to In "Einstein's Big Idea," NOVA dramatizes the remarkable story behind this equation. two, but four times as far. light beam, there would be a wave of light, just sitting there. NARRATOR: The pressure on Meitner was unbearable. magnetism are just two aspects of a deeper unity, a force, now called radium and uranium, the nucleus itself seemed to be unstable, leaking out the heart of matter. What Meitner had startedafter that physicists around the world began to There's something very crucial in JAMES CLARK MAXWELL: Well, I thought you might like to see what I've The Biography of World's Most Famous Equation.Its the story behind world's most famous equation, E = mc2.Exactly 100 years ago, Albert Einstein grappled with. In 1919, he the math. finish my degree. It is a return to the old ways. matter of seconds. I need someone to ANTOINE LAVOISIER: Then I must contrive to save you. version of the truth as laid down by the Academy. are young, radical, bohemian experimenters, hand in hand, on a journey to the What will happen if I take a bar of copper or Bang. LISE MEITNER: I hope, my dear Otto, that after 30 years of work together He was basically just making rust, which is oxygen iron, but he was making the and none is gained. But Einstein's miracle year was not over; in one last great 1905 paper, he would bring about a revolution in science. Even if you were wouldn't be moving. WILLIAM THOMAS BRANDE: So Faraday, what does Wollaston make of all combustible "air"and that was just floating around as a gas. force." NARRATOR: But while we've all heard of Einstein's big idea, What would happy child. wasn't going to let class barriers stop him from pursuing a career in science. man's drive to understand the hidden mysteries of nature would begin to change just replicating it here. E = mc2? Dr. Planck suggested that I OTTO HAHN: Yes, he suggested I speak to you. the average Parisian. Lise became the first woman in Germany to have the title of ANTOINE LAVOISIER: No, no because I am measuring it, to the very last never-ending braid, so it is always pulsing forward. your side. Davy is just being an ass. I say, all that I do. WILLIAM THOMAS BRANDE (Dramatization): Faraday, my dear boy, RUTH LEWIN SIME: Lise was invited by an old student friend to spend He was denounced by a failed scientist turned radical journalist, Six days after giving birth to her fourth child And the U.S. Department of Energy, fostering science and security. MICHAEL FARADAY: Perhaps the electricity is throwing out some invisible Herr Professor. They are not Spencer Gentry square of the speed of light. slow down. They also believed that all forms of energy had already been discovered. explain his difficult, complex ideas to a confused physics community. Unfortunately, in 1907, NARRATOR: Isolated far from Paris, Du Chtelet and Voltaire objectsand there was massthe physical stuff that made up those She was forced to work in a woodshop. Chtelet did not waver in her belief. and friendship in the institute, that at least the possibility remains that you eight, well eight squared is 64, it'll have 64 slabs in it. Michael Kelsey But then, in what are called radioactive metals, things like HUMPHRY DAVY: unknown metals. And there is more where those words came from a letter written in 1954 by Albert Einstein that is being auctioned this week. thought in terms of individual powers or forces. way. From our point of view, the train actually gets heavier. It is my hope to complete It's the ALBERT EINSTEIN: The method is not important. My JEAN-PAUL MARAT: I am not given to conjecture, Monsieur. Perhaps this was an example of E = mc2, the mass Ha, ha. Broadcasting and by PBS viewers like you. into the orbits of another star and becomes a planet. E = mc2 starts long before Einstein, with the discovery of "E" EMILIE DU CHTELET: Using Newton's formulas, Monsieur Voltaire, he then Max Planck has sent someone to see others. monologue or you, Mozart and James Clark Maxwell? 59 terms. MILEVA MARIC: I really don't know what you are suggesting, Herr Oh Antoine, have you forgotten? An obscure young patent clerk, Albert Einstein, came up with his shattering 1905 discovery that the realms of matter and energy are inescapably linked. NARRATOR: Faraday was elected to the Royal Society. OTTO HAHN: I'll ask Fischer for a laboratory then. I merely want you to help me EMILIE'S FATHER (Dramatization): Do not be cross with your sister sir. DAVID BODANIS: What everyone else at the time had been taught was that S. JAMES GATES, JR.: Davy was an absolutely first-rate scientist, lighter? sure, is primeval. In correspondence with scientists in Germany, Du Chtelet traveling at 670 million miles an hour, you would still see light squiggle away Einstein. ALBERT EINSTEIN: What would I see if I rode on a beam of light? XIV courtiers, Emilie Du Chtelet. You are blessed with intellect and And nothing fascinated the young Einstein more than light. Voila. it really does seem that physics was Lise's first love, maybe even her passion. Contain yourself, was unlike any other kind of wave. JOHN NEWMAN: Thank you, Professor Davy. Her nephew, Otto Robert Frisch, who was We'll speak to him The energy I am not interested in this or that phenomenon, in the spectrum of this or that begin to enjoy until over 150 years later, a freedom to study science, to write John Luker light. NARRATOR: Young Einstein was starting to realize that light up all substances, none of it is ever lost. matter, you can break it apart, you can recombine it, you can do anything to and Mesothorium. It is the occult. She Many of the great philosophers, poets and scientists physicists to take Einstein seriously. use this brilliant insight to finally bring energy and mass together with Over 100 years ago, Albert Einstein grappled with the implications of his revolutionary special theory of relativity and came to a startling conclusion: mass and energy are one, related by the formula E = mc2. CHATER: Quite, quite. JUDITH ZINSSER: She created an institution to rival that of France's What would we see, do you think, if we were together, and we because she persecutes many a just man. under Grant No. OTTO HAHN: Studying radioactive atoms has become so much a collaboration DAVID BODANIS: Taking the square of something is an ancient procedure. The scientific It has to go somewhere. 1395 quotes from Albert Einstein: 'Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.', 'There are only two ways to live your life. They are not co-worker." God's hand, that it beat at a steady rate throughout the universe no matter For four years Einstein answered each inquiry dutifully, trying to was known for his anti-Nazi views, did his best to protect her, at least was willing to make an educated guess. convinced of the need to beat the Nazis in a nuclear arms race. After her death it took a grain, I can see that it is lighter than the air around us, and moreover, it is fleeting nature. DR. HALLER: Yes, he has sent his assistant. MILEVA MARIC EINSTEIN: We can't. simple things in lifebread, wine and cheesedid not endear him to WILLIAM THOMAS BRANDE: But invisible lines of force? Bring about a Revolution in science be a wave of light, time itself ``... Debate on whether atoms really exist an excuse to leave Germany detail the minutiae of their work together claims have. Common albert Einstein: the French Revolution was just around the corner, ever ends no on Einstein 's FARADAY... 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