
embarrassing urology exam

"They are dismissive of people who can do nothing for them. Dr. Jack Morgan answered. ", "Its the most underwhelming cuisine I can think of. He shows me how to work the controls and tells me I might as well go in naked since I have pants and a sweater on and I cant go in with my winter clothes on. As an American, male I was somewhat embarrassed when told all clothes have to come off. Find it very sad/creepy to chat up your subs with fake affection, I mean who are the kind of people to pay for this delusion? Patients have to bring in semen samples post vasectomy to make sure there was no issue with the procedure so we can declare them sterile. Wish I could that here. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. How weired, I mean In many countries(US, UK, Australia, New Zealand), Asia (Taiwan, Japan) and more, an exam gown is povided when doing X-ray. She burst out laughing, walked out of the office, and told my mom. I was at the eye doctor. Hope your daughter is OK! Ive never felt like french doctors werent sensitive to my vulnerability, and Im grateful for it. Thanks for the heads up Diane. S.S.S. I had a 3:15 p.m. appointment at the physical therapist for a persistent knot in my back along with a few other issues (its totally cheap to go, so why not) and learned right away that its best to wear a loose shirt that gives him easy access to my back if I dont want to strip down up top. No one else can tell, but even just the idea is so hot for me. Hi Dr. M, thank you for your insight! But when youre at the doctors office and already feeling vulnerable, alone, with a male doctor who is older than you in a position of power, maybe it wouldnt kill anyone to let the patient hang on to some of their dignity via a gown, or get undressed in private or even a simple knock before entering. Or should I stop wearing gym clothes to the supermarket after I work out because its not the French thing to do? Culture shock? So I just did this snapping finger gun back to him. I know that feeling, as the same thing happened to me at a skin doctor specialist. WebUrodynamic tests are used to measure: Nerve and muscle function. Squats. I think he's messing with me and just answer "masturbation." She said it was alright. Hi, yes we got it and my daughter is ok. Over here, sometimes, it feels like health is just like any other business like car maintenance for example. come in, and the doctor flips my scrubs to reveal the goods. I still hate myself for it. ", "Also, I ordered Fajitas and was served a quesadilla with bell peppers in it. I tell her I drank three bottles, like the sheet told me to. So, this doctor and his interns (women, too. If the French person were to (unnecessarily) completely strip off for their examination Ive no doubt there would be a bit of an outcry by the doctor and his/her assistants. Probably very insecure, desperate people, some poor sap dropping thousands a year to feel some modicum of affection. In the sauna room, theres a sliding cloth partition where you can change and get into the sauna area (note: sauna area itself has a clear porthole window you can see through from the outside). I guess Ive learned my lesson for next time. I'm a male nurse. that it took a while to get things going. Of course there are other factors involved but by and large the more nude-friendly a country the lower the teenage pregnancy rate. ", "Ask her if she needs someone to play a pizza delivery guy. She does really like guys in good shape and in snug sexy mens outfits too. ", "Kenya. We take our beliefs and social customs with us and while I can learn about what the French do, just because Im here doesnt mean I will automatically be able to act French. Nor should I. Perhaps I have misunderstood your intention. And I agree that a good doctor should be understanding and accommodate different customs. By the time she finishes telling me what will happen, all my sexy snug spandex clothes are off and Im totally naked with her and her female medical staff. It freaks me out. It tasted like a cleaner version of the watered-down vodka you can buy at gas stations where I live. Wrong..wrong..wrong. ", "If we are in a relationship and I love you. Too bad you need to have surgery.. It collects your blood, you take it out, rinse it, and life is good. I understand sometimes missing the opportunity, but when it is consistent, I have been known to say something.". But, if I made a woman take off her top in my consult room and palpated her abdomen, knowing that this was unnecessary, thats essentially the same assault but its tenfold harder to prove. The main reason for Lets keep moving forward. This is unacceptable and needs to stop. Many men DONT go to urologist especially because of this reason. The doctors know this but do nothing about it then say they dont know why men dont go to doctors. Yes, they do because pond but when I see a person talking zbout the male anatommuch of it has been caused by doctors being blind to the problem. At this point, its a cultural difference that I dont think Ill ever get used to, but as long as Im living in France, Id better learn! WebExamination of the Spleen (Stanford Medicine 25) Percussion of the Spleen (Stanford Medicine 25) Diagnosis Anterior Cutaneous Nerve Entrapment Syndrome (ACNES) with Carnett's Sign - Abdominal Pain Ankle Brachial Index Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) Test: How to Perform Venous Testing Bedside Ultrasound Curious to hear what strangers online go for when superficially evaluating someone, Classic_Potential_66 asked: "I kinda like a prominent nose. @Just ME Have some dignity. As you can see from the comments, there are plenty of women into you guys". About the gyno, I mentioned the no sheet thing based on others experiences and theyve scared me from going to the gyno here (but I should). ", "The worst I experienced as a national cuisine: Kazakh. I used to be one of these Americans shocked by the medical nudity in France, but now I know better although that didnt stop me from embarrassing myself last week at the physical therapist. A very interesting article. That isn't an unreasonable boundary imo. When I was at the hospital giving birth to my son, the doctor broke my bag of water. ", "Boiled potatoes, boiled vegetables, a piece of overcooked meat, and some packaged gravy is what most Dutch kids eat 5/7 days a week. He doesn't understand. Acquaintance was a 17-year-old male getting a physical from a female doctor. If you do not agree with these terms and conditions, please disconnect immediately from this website. ", "It's not the lewds/nudes that bother me, its the selling subs a 'girlfriend experience.' I took off the cloth and proceeded bottomless to my clothes, which were nearby draped over a chair. People have chosen to take control of the currency of their own bodies. And as I said above, without a nurse in the room, it seems strange that more French women dont accuse doctors (either rightly or wrongly) of inappropriate behavior and sue. As an American male and being helped by getting any snug and sexy attire off become just a natural happening with a French or European female doctor. Patient here; For my first gyno visit I was pretty anxious and clumsy about the whole deal. Wincing, I climb up to my parents room. directions too literally and tried to shove a handful of semen through the office window. First off, for those who dont know what a diva cup is, its a reusable silicone cup you put in your vagina while menstruating. It was quite a surprise, when told to completely undress for her, despite being a male and while enjoying the snug secure feeling in my European style spandex mens underwear under warm and also snug outer winter sports attire. Give the gift of knowledge with our official 'did you know' book! I dont know why they do it. Anonymous 3. Urologists look at patients genitals all day, so we have seen it all. Just let it slam. So if the French person is expected to follow American etiquette at an American doctors then why should the American expect to be treated differently at the French doctors just because they have an irrational fear of being seen naked? I opened my mouth as wide as it would go and waited. There are no specific guidelines for prescribing the pill in France, so the direction of the appointment is at the doctors discretion. before getting a referral to the physical therapist, he had to examine my back. Its difficult to say no to someone you see as a professional, but they see so many naked bodies theyve become desensitized to it. But at the doctor, I dont think its appropriate to strip down in front of the doctor without some semblance of privacy regardless of nationality. She did that thing that doctors do when they put their hands down your pants, cup your sack and tell you to cough. You should be allowed to keep your bra on (apart from during the breast exam) and be given a sheet. I remember wearing rather snug, warm outer snowsuit and leotards underneath. All of us can appreciate an excellent meal, but our opinion of an amazing meal will vary from person to person. Ive never been to a doctor in France, but have a female doctor treats her patients, the same way as in France. There I was totally naked with a healthy erection, yet she acted so natural as to my full nudity and sexual arousment, then commenced doing my physical exam, as I was soon rather relaxed with her, now realizing being nude with this doctor, even a female, was no big issue with her, as she was very aware of my cultural upbringing and acted as this was a normal medical situation. I recently had a complete physical examination from my new primary care physician. Even though I am straight, there are certain things I do not feel comfterable showing or discussing with females. Getting excited about lifes simple pleasures. Suddenly, he started feeling dizzy. I live in the United States and have adopted the nudist/naturist subculture. Never disregard the medical advice of your physician or health professional, or delay in seeking such advice, because of something you read on this Site. until now 2021, I still hear that people need to ne naked when you do X-ray for OFII and residence card purpose. I don't know how to date someone while they're 'playing house' with who knows how many delusional people. Talk about an embarrassing naked medical moment! Id love to read a copy of the French code of ethics and conduct in the medical profession. WebMOST EMBARRASSING EXAM EVER. Kazakhstani food is similar, but they have more ethnic diversity so you can get some decent Georgian or Korean hyphenated foods. Making time for your pet. WebEmbarrassing erections during a medical exam #menshealth Dr. Susie Gronski, PT, DPT 28.7K subscribers Subscribe 1.5M views 1 year ago Worried about getting an erection Its only the brainwashing you have been given that equates a naked body with being somehow dirty. I like being medically examined by her this way, than being totally naked with no gown covering me. Dominant facial feature. I bet that happens everywhere though. I jumped on the scale, then my stomach started killing me. On the rare occasion when an erection would be so much as dimly useful for a urologist - and spoiler alert, porn has lied to you, an erect penis is typically a problem in examinations, not a requirement - its shockingly easy to induce an erection. Then the doctor made me bend over so they could check my spine. When I was 15, I went to my pediatrician for a check up. Again, I have no issues with nudity but when the doctor is in a position of power and youre the patient, sometimes providing a sheet to cover up with or turning ones back to let someone undress in private goes a long way. Read on for being naked in front of doctors in France! for me I think a woman is way more embarrassing. It was edible at least. Is it as a sidegig or a main gig. Granted, I have never been to Russia, North Korea, or Antarctica. Psh. Im examined completely, one part of my anatomy at a time, being dont want poked and groped medically, yet her gentle and soft hands examining my whole body make me feel good, as shell slowly undress me while removing all my snug spandex sports outfit and underwear, piece by piece while examining my soon to be completely naked body male body. At first I thought it might be a group thing but it was one-on-one, and there was no nurse. #2. Sometimes Ill be wearing my favorite mens snug spandex running tights with sexy microfiber undies. It'd be a no for me. I love it. Again, I was wearing my favorite extra snug spandex underwear and not knowing how much time feeling, groping and looking my naked m young male body would take. Life is meant to be lived. The boundary pushing thing is something I can see happening so easily. Im not religious and Im not put off by nudity in the least. Just because I moved to France as an adult doesnt mean I can or should abandon what Im comfortable with. Last Thursday was a normal day. Get the facts about this disease that affects more than 240,000 men each year. Does anybody actually like going to the doctors office? I'm almost sad.'. Even just seeing the doctor greet me himself, in normal street clothes, was a bit of a shock. They are both very professional with me also. The first few times they are on their best behavior. 13400 E Shea Blvd, Scottsdale, AZ, 85259. after she told me to take everything off. So as part of their heres how to make this suck less packet, the hospital includes pretty specific instructions to drink three bottles of water an hour before your appointment, without going to the bathroom, so that they can tell which fleshy sack of muscle is your bladder and which is your uterus. Hey I just had the most emarrassing exam ever.I went in to my local medi clinic to have a really bad ingrown hair looked at right under my testicles.Of course to my luck I had to get an older female doctor on call that day.Now I have always been afraid of getting an erection, and now my first female doctor ,for this lol.Anyways I when she came in and checked me everything went good,but then she said I need to follow her to the treatment room.Well then she had me take off my clothes and lay on the table with my feet in those things on the back of the table. Im from the UK but I worked as a doctor in France for two years and I agree 100% that attitudes regarding patient modesty are completely different in France. It is your body and you shouldnt have to disrobe in front of strangers who have NOTHING to do with your exam! After massaging me for what felt like hours, he stares at my junk for a long time, before telling me that The consistency is right, you have a nice scrotum kid. I can tell you for a fact that with certain doctors, unattractive women just got a blood pressure check, whereas the hot girls got the works breast exams & pelvic exams. Did the doctor make you strip completely naked (no bra & pants) in front of them? This also applies to cashiers, counter help, hotel clerks, custodians, security guards and everyone else in similar positions. Although there is more of norm towards undressing, a good doctor should be understanding and accommodate your modesty to some extent. But what does that mean for the people who know the content creators? ", "Platforms like OF have a lot of ethical issues with trafficking, CSA, insufficient verifications, etc. My GP is not a pervert at all and I wouldnt think twice if he had to check my stomach. ", "When they talk crap behind everyone's back but have what I like to call a sticky sweet personality to their face. My balls hurt. Im not a shy person, there were a couple of times when I presented in a bikini on TV lol, but I didnt like having someone else there. Maybe women would be less stressed if they stepped up to the plate on that equality thing and didnt label all men as being untrustworthy. Just a suggestion on how patients might be more comfortable if theyre required to be naked in front of the doctor. I always have much less medical anxities, when be examined by a female doctor anytime. Im pretty sure I felt more awkward than she did! It wasn't awkward as much as interesting. Should they abandon what their religion dictates (and what theyre comfortable with) just because its not mainstream in France, their new home? This is going to get buried, but I worked in a urologist's office for a long time. He asked me to take off my top and I wasnt sure if he meant my bra too so I asked. Hi Richard, glad you found my post interesting. She gently flipped my penis up and covered it with a towel so that just my scrotum was exposed, and that did it I had a full fledged hardon within 6 seconds. ", "Mongolian is definitely the worst cuisine I have ever had. Reddit doesn't disappoint. Happens all the time in the US, hence the nurse being in the room. It would have made the whole thing far less awkward! You rock! It's pretty wild and I have lots of stories (my poor boyfriend), but here are two of my favorites: While getting a prostate exam for a physical, I asked if he could tell I'd been doing squats. And when they abuse the trust? We put trust in our doctors to do the right thing, whats necessary and not be perverts. Its just skin and nudity is the most natural thing in the world. Undressing at an appointment almost regardless of your problem is fairly normal in some European countries like France & Germany, but that doesnt mean you have to do it, nor should you. I usually wear a long button down which I keep on during examinations and helps me feel less exposed. Luckily, they put me on some more drugs and did the procedure. Now if he was a close talker who stared a little too long and gave off a creepy vibe and was maybe 30 years older than me? For a moment, after the examination was over, I thought it amusing that we were discussing my condition with her seated fully clothed in a white coat while I sat naked on the examining table. Get naked. I remember them saying we arent getting any return. When my boyfriend attempted to say that that is inappropriate conduct, the other French people there agreed with the medical student and said that doctors are within their right. I could have easily worn a normal bra and not had to get my hardware out for the little Indian doctor. Naked I respect everyone elses too. The moment his shoulder came free, any leftover amniotic fluid and all the fluid they filled me up with burstout in one GIANTbirthing, liquid tidal-wave. I like to deliver a joke like Norm MacDonald. The doctor is in a position of power and as the patient, you want to follow the doctors orders he/she is the educated one who is trying to help so its only normal to trust them. ", "If she did, demand a cut. A commenter before you who was a doctor in France weighed in and said that a doctor watching you undress is NOT normal, in his opinion. What kind of doctors are you seeing, lady? Firstly, because I feel he will have more empathy to my situation and also less chance of getting an embarrassing erection. We went to visit a friend of his from high school, who is nearing the end of her time in medical school. We are people. Being dressed in all my warm snug winter outfit does help keep my medical fears down and once totally naked and being examined by her doesnt bother me, but in the end, I always get a good bill of health, despite being naked with her and the nurse while having an involuntary erection. ", "Scars.there is just something about them! It doesnt really matter. MedHelp is not a medical or healthcare provider and your use of this Site does not create a doctor / patient relationship. ", "I had some truly terrible food in Ukraine, particularly in the Chornobyl exclusion zone workers' cafeteria, which we were kindly allowed to use when touring. It was Chevy's level at best. We know you can choose a lot of sites to read, but we want you to know that were thankful you chose Did You Know. I think they're so unique, cute and attractive. ", "I got Mexican food in Croatia. I looked at her with my jaw dropped and it clicked a few seconds later that she was talking about the difficulty of opening the tool, and not my vagina. Because as long as you dont cross the line, you can call whatever youre doing doctor stuff, you know what I mean? What I learnt from this experience was that I should have spoken up and just told the student to leave straight away. Perhaps their affable and friendly nature makes someone more attractive. Im like no way in hell, dude! I live in England. I had to strip down to my skivvies and do different exercises, like push-ups and squats (super awks!). ", "When I got to my stop I offered him my seat and I still regret not telling him he had a nice nose. Not really. The physical therapist is professional and has never done anything to make me question his judgment, but Id be lying if I said I wasnt a little shocked he barged right in on me. They get to the ER, he drops his pants, and the doctor goes, Welp. I guess being naked for a medical exam is just a normal thing for them in France and even if their patients are male or female. Yes, I had to get totally naked and was somewhat embarrassed as a guy while the nurse and and female watched my whole male medical plight, especially when I was in mens spandex sportswear with a healthy involuntary erection and slowly undressing layer by layer til finally completely naked. Or should I stop wearing gym clothes to the supermarket after I work out because its not the lewds/nudes bother... To deliver a joke like norm MacDonald all day, so the direction of the watered-down vodka you can whatever. My parents room we arent getting any return me on some more drugs did. With our official 'did you know ' book bother me, its selling... Granted, I have been known to say something. `` to say something. `` food in.. A skin doctor specialist I guess ive learned my lesson for next time a male... Microfiber undies, `` it 's not the French thing to do your. 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