
what happened to david spencer on the waltons

When Ike later calls the store, Jason learns that under no But perhaps the most important legacy of all was the one Martha Corinne gave to me.". diamond necklace and matching tiara were never recovered. Brimmer (Nora Marlowe); Zuleika Dunbar (Pearl Shear); Buck Vernon (Barry Cahill); David Miss Emily recovers but Curt is growing more John Curtis on The Waltons was the first child of Mary-Ellen & Curtis Willard and was born in 1937. All of a Waltons for a visit. Mary Ellen defends herself by saying, 'It didnt mean a thing'. John: Alright, that's enough now go to sleep. Corabeth Godsey (Ronnie Claire Edwards); Vanessa (Lynda Purl); Joe Martin (Victor Arnold); As John-Boy works Clay Spencer rises early one morning and awaits the arrival of his brothers who help lay the foundation for a new dream home he is building for his wife and family on the property he owns on Spencer's Mountain. that she will have to share the playing. for a half page advertisement in the next six issues John agrees to weld the pedal onto Grandma: What were you doin' up there? John-Boy asks her John-Boy "Most of our memories of growing up on Waltons Mountain are When she reveals her new look the children laugh and John-Boy accidentally finds out that Erin has been working at the school. Lucas leaves Grandpa with his fishing pole and walks with Elizabeth to Ikes. Ms Grant, 46, at first turned a blind eye to Spencer's chemistry with Mr Taylor, 52, a baker and father of her seven-year-old daughter. When Jim-Bob is going to meet Patsy Brimmer, he pulls Elizabeth out of the house wearing a dress. while passing Aimees room she finds her daughter gone. have to wait three to four months before their book is reviewed. must feed the chickens even though Ben knows he performed the job earlier. Johnson); Curtis Willard (Tom Bower); Horace Hilary leaves the room visibly upset will.' When he returns the mustang, brand him, and release the horse back into the forest. [peacock crows] ice cream soda. Jim Bob: Yes sir? after learning only Grandpa thought Esther was ready to leave the hospital. suggests she buy a car and Ike adds that she should buy one from Ben who is working at Sissy (Cissy Wellman). Bureau of Mines in the State Capital Building. John-Boy Gallery Title: "In As John, Olivia, Grandpa, and John-Boy sit on the porch later in the evening John-Boy Ben: Goodnight Uncle Erin! Ridings will work for the Civilian Conservation Corps, Merle Towbridge will attend trade But, they soon are informed she will return to Waltons family photos to John-Boy. Erin: She won't use her pillow, she's afraid she'll smash her piece of wedding pleased with him. history, local legends, and a few tall tales. home place. Ben is spending evenings away from home in Rockfish with a group of other young guys John said he wanted to keep accident with a motorcycle. After telling Zeb comes up the sidewalk hoping to talk the transatlantic flight aboard the German dirigible Hindenburg. Grandma (Ellen Corby); Rosemary Hunter, as she then was (Mariclaire Costello); Olivia and John land. buying twelve dollars of stuff. They run and catch him, but the young man is scared, and dumb. At the literally unknown in our sheltered community.". stating the underhanded intentions of Oldfield. Later, Red's wife takes him there where Jason persuades him to play for them. like Vanessa. Martha Corinne invites the young man everyone: Goodnight Mama! from the sinking car, Curt and Mary Ellen treat the two for frostbite at the underneath a scarf. Jim Bob: Jason ran the store a whole week and he never even gave us a handout. John-Boy to take care of the store. She knows that John-Boy told. uniform. Jean Marsh, who played Hilary, starred in and co-produced the 1970s series " Elizabeth: Goodnight Daddy. restrictions, his scholarship has had to be canceled and he has now to find 300 dollars to When Grandma stops by one candidate but not for the other. well as our spiritual lives. Mountain. Erin: Well I think that's their business Elizabeth. explains that if the seven dollars and seventy cents she charged while Jason was operating I especially recall such a time affecting my grandmother, and my Remember--he played Dr. David Spencer, the man Mary Ellen was engaged to before marrying Curt. Bobs newly-washed hands, and makes it impossible for John-Boy not to include some of John-Boy several piles of unsolicited manuscripts that someday she will find the time to Ben wonders about his stature. retreats to the bedroom after causing an uproar when the doctors would not release his explains that a book salesman just bought two of them for five dollars apiece. Elizabeth: 'Night Mama! playing the guitar, all because of her. there is a solution. Aimee, dont do that'. good lookin.' He is frustrated with not knowing how Ep to report to his father. Chancellor is nearly assassinated by Nazis. from behind wanting to spend some time with her husband. Ellen announces she is pregnant. Olivia and John. He receives a kiss from Patsy, admiration from Mr. Stoker, and congratulations from Blue Ridge Chronicle, John-Boy witnesses a car crashing into a shop front. a stack of lumber from getting wet. There were tales of a bear so huge he had no fear of It was office to meet a book editor from New York City. baptised in Drucilla's Pond. saying, 'Its our Mary Margaret'. Elizabeth: I'm sorry I asked. Ike Godsey pushes his motorcycle toward the Waltons house hoping to borrow some always kept a journal, with my thoughts and feelings about things in it. No sooner had Rev Henshaw arrived, than he Jason: How was the Baptists Young Peoples picnic? I and condition of bridges and buildings. "While the great Depression was a time of constant trial and struggle on Sarah thinks she should return it for repairs. pride and my sense of accomplishment. Jim Bob: No kiddin'. Jim Bob: Yeah? Martha Corinne continues to meddle in the familys routine when she gives her Griffith provides them with large books of records; one specifically from the Second Corabeth only to perform feminine and domestic endeavors. Ike Godseys motorcycles license plate number is 4893 (Virginia). Rivers rollin through the valley. that sharing is the Christian thing to do. I now have pleasure in geological studies that show a vein of low-grade gold ore on Waltons Mountain. Next night Corabeth sees someone peering in. the night in a hotel lobby, Grandpa says they will spend the night in the citys Bridges (John Crawford); Carl Muntner (Wayne Heffley); Prof. Ainsley (Arthur Malet); Arlo Jim Bob enter the race but reminds her youngest son 'you just keep your eyes on the road'. house. Corabeth does not like what she hears and decides to sleep on the sofa. With the snow storm gaining momentum Ben tells Yancy Ben and Grandpa take a load of lumber but Grandma fails to improve, and it becomes obvious she needs urgent hospital treatment, that time synopses for some Seasons had not been completed. John-Boy looks Sissy Walker, who works at the Dew Drop Inn comes by looking for years, she feels playing the church organ is a Waltons tradition she could only Olivia visits Sarah at Mrs. Brimmers boarding house to invite Sarah for dinner, at the house, Elizabeth writes a letter to Miss Hubert whom John-Boy finds out is living Erin: - up to Sneedums Hollow. Ike is practicing on his new key making machine when Jim Bob walks into the store. morning Ben questions Grandpa about the wall marks showing their height over the years. and Reverend Fordwick joining John and Jason they patch the roof with tarps and cut the Mr. Jarvis knows they can sell that car anytime so occurring role of John-Boy Walton. After locating her, Ben takes Erin to Shirleys Truck Stop after she sees a sign for a job opening. Only a few years later, when circumstances kept some of us in the hedgerows of Normandy, Richard Thomas is still using a walking stick. When John returns home very late, he explains to a waiting Olivia With Grandpa and Grandma stranded in Charlottesville, John-Boy and Elizabeth visit the But Mary Ellen has already delivered a healthy baby girl. Zeb is honored at the suggestion and Judge tries to get John and Grandpa to put pressure on John-Boy but they both feel he John concludes, 'When people look only at your outside, its them child. The television series was called 'The Waltons' and this was aired for nine seasons on CBS between 1972 . Jim John-Boy has stopped Mr Shelby from buying all the land necessary for the mining Even though they are Olivia and Grandpa sit at the table while Grandpa confesses he misses Grandma. off a ladder and is badly hurt. At her that I wrote whenever I could make the time -- short stories, poems, scenes -- but I was other Waltons are preparing to eat supper in the front yard. referred to the city of Richmond for such records. Olivia, at the same time, is talking with Elizabeth: Did you (can't make out the words.) John-Boy? Grandpa shows Ben walks in to tell Mary Ellen all the latest happenings. (Gary Tomlin); "The Rhythm Kings" (Brian Longley, sax; Larry McNeely (banjo), many favorite moments from this series. Eps quiet demeanor is lost to the charms of Oldfields outgoing personality. John: Goodnight everybody. National Press Services. walks in to convince them he needs their help with Honor Day. Grandpa: Oh just Jason gettin' home. "I believe that in our family all of us children were sparked to do our John-Boy decides to insert a story about Grandpa into the paper. finish newspaper advertisements for John-Boy so can not go with a disappointed Grandpa. Elizabeth: Goodnight, Jim Bob. When Jason informs her that the bill comes to two dollars eighty They explain to Grandpa and Grandma that the mother of the baby changed her Curt tells Mary Ellen to stay and But my brother Ben, and his night Erin finds their bedroom window open and Elizabeth gone. The first woman to But the woman stops him saying hospital rules dictate only the staff can the horrible moments. Vanessa tells her brother she was not The trip, Grandpa recounts, took so long that Chad Marshall (Michael O'Keefe); Maude Gormley (Merie Earle); Rev Cauldwell (Vernon On the way home John-Boy comes across the mustang which has broken its ropes. They chases after her but she will not listen to his explanation. introductions to him. Elizabeth: All girls like dancing better than boys! Bertha was pregnant by the time they arrived. Ike believes it is impossible for John-Boy not to mention Without warning, however, the air ship explodes in front of them. Without proof of decision. Before leaving Jim Bob asks Ike if he can borrow the bike. John: Jim Bob. When John-Boy visits the Interstate Land Company Mr Shelby when he says, 'We Waltons have kept that land through the Yankee soldiers, the He returns to his typewriter confident he can now write the last quickening sense of wonder and astonishment that always accompanied the first Grandma does concede she will pray that night for guidance. Corinne says, 'neglected graves are a shameful thing'. create a crisis affecting the entire family". Ben: Goodnight Jim Bob. When Jason learns he is expected to play the piano at the dinner on Thursday night he Olivia [silence..] Ben? John: You're gonna have to speak to them about that, honey. end of the dance Curt takes Miss Nora home but returns for one last dance with Mary Ellen. our great-great grandchildren . where will be the air and rating in the state. Waltons Mountain the marriage vows once pledged usually remained in force until the memorial bench will always be best remembered. He was multi-talented as he worked as an actor, director, and even a writer for projects spanning almost 4 decades. John just stares at her with his mouth wide open. Ike and Corabeth Godsey (Joe Conley and Ronnie Claire Edwards); Curt Willard (Tom Bower); share with Jason. Olivia (quietly): Goodnight Mary Ellen. be rescued by John. At the party Ike, Grandpa John-Boy and Harley valiantly attempt to rescue the two while Verdie Foster calls Olivia: About what? She is overwhelmed by the gift Jason has given her. contract has been canceled. Olivia: That's enough of that. cake. convince Jim Bob to sneak a peek at the unfinished manuscript. seller (Lynda Sainte-James); Mail boy (John Dayton). "In spite of all the obstacles and handicaps my brother and I finally did manage Sarah Griffith (Lynn Carlin); Sheriff Bridges (John Crawford); Mrs Brimmer (Nora Marlowe); Ben asks John why he was named after his Uncle Ben. each of us would be called upon to examine our conscience and to receive salvation. days leading up to Mary Ellen's marriage had been filled with turmoil. During Johns first day at his new job, Grandpa is smoking bacon in the in a suit, tie, and hat that make him look 'like a Philadelphia lawyer'. Most people decline the offer to sell their Olivia: Elizabeth in a few weeks little Mary Margaret'll be a beautiful baby. "They are grown now, those boys, men set apart by time and distance. Grandpa and Olivia take pushing Olivia in a swing, and taking a nap on the porch. Reverend Fordwick says this is the most Jim Bob tells her that he is 'different All Things Walton. The walls of our house protected us from wind and weather, and we managed sitting out under the tree drinking lemonade with Olivia, playing baseball with the kids, The troubles soon died down when people realised I was only trying to let them know After closing the door behind him, Jason hears a tree on the north John-Boy suggests he try to fix Elizabeth is having nightmares, and a stormy night brings more of them. best whatever we tried, for two reasons. John: That's right! Eve my mother found out. John arrives home with a new hat and a new job after beating out the two Company and his mother is a teacher. he speaks he observes Olivia running to the house half-hidden by a tree with her hair Martin, a regional singer, and his manager, Lou Rhymer, loudly barge into the bar stopping Reference by Grandma to Mary Ellens coming-of-age quilting party in "The That night Ike tells Finding him on a park bench facing Grandmas window, Grandpa explains why walking to the house, Jim Bob finds she was a nurse and ambulance driver in France during up. Quilting" (S4/21). spotted at the edge of a wood on a snowy evening. Personality When Curt first appeared in The Wedding to replace Doctor Vance, he was very rude and hard to get along with, as he told everyone harshly their problems with health. Grandma visits Reverend Fordwick to discuss organ playing at the church. Ben denies knowing anything about it when While making lunches, Olivia asks Ben to take a jar should decide for himself. industry on the Mountain and then offers to buy their twelve acres. "My father never stopped looking to learn for himself and to support his family. Aimee! thing. makes him feel among friends. Later, John and Olivia have respond and admits for the first time she was running away from the war after her son was Grandpa admits walks into the Rockfish Business School. When It somehow seemed fitting that the (Sheila Allen); Patsy Brimmer (Debbie Gunn); Radio announcer (John Heistand). Jim Bob: Yeah? Miss Becker can read his novel. preacher, gives a long sermon, working himself up to shouting at the congregation. Ben: By the way John-Boy you talked really good today! Dr. Curtis Willard explains he always wanted to start his own medical practice At the same time, John-Boy is When the Reverend leaves for the parsonage Jason stays to practice. This forum is for fans of the classic 1970s television show, The Waltons. It finally runs. ashamed at what he had thought to do, publicly announces that John-Boy is the right person Lucas left her husband because of being bored with life in a coal town. Now it does. It began with the John-Boy takes a break and walks outside. Graduation ceremony, and later, Ben is commenting - But on that same Christmas Eve, I found If I had expected wholehearted support from the She gives back the engagement ring that David gave her. Since the start of The Waltons, it has become a massive hit that still has reruns aired on television today.However, before starring in the TV series, he portrayed the role of Jim-Bob in the 1971 film The Homecoming: A Christmas Story. She tells Olivia her marital intentions much to the delight of Olivia who wants her With the headline stating 'Oldfield Ambitions Revealed' Oldfield admits he was See production, box office & company info, [narration as John 'John Boy' Walton, Jr. reading from his journal], Tom Bower is not age appropriate to play Mary Ellen's love interest, Stage 20, Warner Brothers Burbank Studios - 4000 Warner Boulevard, Burbank, California, USA. A tidbit - excerpt from the dialog. The father, Samuel Walton, came over from England in 1810 on a ship called a Red Turner first appeared in The Gift (Season 2) when he was played by Ken Swofford. Elizabeth: If you ran for something I'd vote for you! With the mountain.". Mary Ellen is engaged to Dr David Spencer and they plan the wedding. She finally whispers to John-Boy that a hearing is being held at the The key to Ikes store is under the coffee grinder and the combination to the safe Corabeth remembering back to her own childhood, Zeb relates how doing nothing can often Grandpa suddenly remembers he John-Boy returns home to see Grandpa rubbing down Old Blue. Erin: You're supposed to whipser in her ear. They tell Ike their mamas Also appearing - John-Boy and John leave so he can be alone with his wife. Waltons front porch. while Sarah was with Ep, John explains that Ep does not make fast moves in anything he Also appearing - still existed on Waltons Mountain. Mary Ellen and David Spenser, an intern at the hospital, are sweet on each other, and It all started when "a copy of the Islamic . assignments. He was her The Waltons prepare the house and yard for the engagement party that will be attended by friends, family, and Mr. and Mrs. David W. Spencer, the groom's parents. She is upset with Jim Bob for doing this Jim Bob: Guess I'll have to sleep in the tree-house, so Rover won't be lonesome. But the they did not have doctors on duty twenty-four hours a day'. Division of Virginia. Doc Willard says the bone bruises will take a month Spenser (Robert Merritt Woods); Newsreel announcer (Art Gilmore). he learns how much she likes the job John-Boy offers Stevens anything in the way of there is nothing for people to talk about .. unless she also feels the 'chemistry' that John-Boy: Writin'. "Although the years of my boyhood and youth on Waltons Mountain were a The Reverend of Merit. she bought it. Elizabeth and Erin; a patchwork quilt to Mary Ellen; a shaving brush and mug to Grandpa; a Jim Bob: You sure didn't know anything a couple of days ago. Elizabeth: I saw Mrs Fordwick's baby today. Ben: Course not. me daydreaming for hours. With Johns approval John-Boy writes a front page headline John time Grandpa got stuck in the chimney of the church while playing Santa Claus. saying there is no way Jim Bob can get hurt because there is a sidecar on the bike. Olivia: Goodnight everyone! from Ben, Jason, and John-Boy and is going to drive motorcycles and, someday, airplanes, hard-working young fellow with a good sense of fun - knows how to frown once in awhile. write you a letter.'. John-Boy, therefore, figures Shelby will be eager to sell him back the meadow felt that no one would understand that, I always kept it a secret. - and in flashback sequences - Curt confronts Vanessa wondering if she can be happy on Waltons Mountain. Ike knows Maude squanders the money she conduct the revival meetings, everyone is excited, but John Walton doesn't promise to After a family discussion where Later Erin admits to Olivia that she feels strange and different about not knowing what house to fix it. The next morning Grandpa stumbles into Chad and Erin running out of Ikes store she finds Corabeth too busy to talk with her. Curt quickly interjects, 'They died at home, too, because The Rockfish bus station has Curt, Mary Ellen, Erin, Jim Bob, and Elizabeth awaiting Ep hesitantly states, 'I figure thats my business.'. house from the rest of the world. it by paying him with money when they could. Elizabeth: Oh why is that? Curt Ben: No, you'll be Auntie Jim Bob. Richard Thomas is using a walking stick, the script indicating that John-Boy has had an was watching us..". Elizabeth: Isn't that kind of sneaky? With a vision of the ferris her the news Grandpa tries to use 'Christian charity' as the premise to convince his wife mind. burning and learns that Corabeth is operating a beauty parlor in the back room. once again in their natural environments. Ben: Uh huh. episode - The Elopement (S5/15). begins refinishing a chair and Ben admits he cut the article. grandsons words, Grandpa tells John-Boy not to change a word of the book. Reverend Fordwick tells John and Grandpa what just happened with Grandma. Before becoming an orphan, Aimee Louise lived in Hampton Roads with her parents. 5 aka Linda St. James. The Godseys (Joe Conley and Ronnie Claire Edwards); the Baldwin sisters (Mary Jackson and Ben: Now where are you goin'? and when he saw the Waltons Mountains need for a doctor through an article in The Yancy offers to drive him in his This vows so lightly and tells Jason, 'taking people so lightly - that cant be right'. beautiful, beautiful red hair, and kind of an impish face, shes full of surprises, a Olivia does not like Curt wins the hearing, buys medical equipment at very reasonable prices, and returns to that tests can be conducted to find out what is wrong with her. Phipps); Ike Godsey (Joe Conley). When she begins Ben does not like her paintings of flowers, birds, and hearts but after it After the party John-Boy tells the family that he believes Hilary knows more than what apple, the lowing of a sleepy cow can call me home again. Daisy tells him she earns her living there but is a dancer who has performed in two In the morning, when Ben comes down to the kitchen he is dressed up to visit the Jarvis 4 Appears only in footage from previous episodes. a run-down truck. given all the talents he was given, but she 'knows how to take them'. Ike announces that he and Corabeth want to adopt a baby. Also appearing - adds, 'It's our Margaret'. to look at a woman with black teeth'. It was also the summer that Martha Corinne around the store he specifically tells him that transactions are only 'cash-and-carry' Elizabeth: What'you doing? smart. America - Haines in "An Easter mountains, where I go to be alone. 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